New reef safe King Angel


nice fish, and lion a 140 is just right, i agree to big for a 55, but a 140 will do great, that tank is so bright, what spectrum bulbs are you using?


Active Member
I just dont like when people put 1ft fish in a 6-8 ft tank b/c thats not much swimming room and its like us being a small hotel room for the rest of your life. ( Not good :nope: )

nm reef

Active Member thats like the pot callin' the kettle black!What fish are you currently considering?
1- Yellow tang (3'')
1- Red voltain (3'')
1- Panther Grouper (3'')
1- zebra eel (1')
1- niger trigger (3-4'')
...sorry...a bit of a inside joke there Jamnman.
Beautiful fish...they can get rather large but sounds like you are aware of that. No problems with any corals? I'd maybe consider one if I had like a 220 that I could maintain as a fish of luck with it and try to get a close-up if ya can.


Active Member
DID U see the SIZES too? Ill end up getting rid of them once they get too big. Im not getting the eel and i dont have the trigger anymore( went to lfs)


Active Member
Yeah lionfish why would you take one of kips pictures and use it as your avatar?? Also lionfish a grouper will get well over a foot. But sweet looking angel Jamnman don't listen to what lionfish said!!! I love your whole tank all together and the spectrum is perfect!!!:D


Active Member

Originally posted by lionfish12
Ill end up getting rid of them once they get too big.

That's the way:rolleyes: I sure hope you don't have any dogs or cats


lol, lion, if you do get rid of them because you dont want to be responsable hobbiest, i will....... i will...............................urg :mad: