New Reef Tank Ideas - 150g


A twin Mini Reef you receive a custom built sump with 10 yr warranty, two sheets of filter wool, 4 bio sponges, 400 bio balls 40mm in size, two spinning arm Assemblies including the flex hose from the bottom of the weir to the spinning arm, The standard heater for this set up is a 300w model CB 300 (Can upgrade this heater to a resun titanium heater with external controller and sensor of either 300w, 400w or 500w) should I ??, the main pump for this setup is a resun SP 9000 submersible pump 3500L/Hr with a head height of 4.5m, and a digital thermometer that is programmable.
The tank of course is a 5x2x2 tank with glass dowel reinforcing on all joins and comes with a ten year warranty.
The cabinet and hood are quality made with 3x2 structural wood used for the supports and furniture grade timber in the rest of the cabinet and hood.
Venturi style skimmers and don't require air pumps and would be matched up to a resun submersible pump to cater for the size of the skimmer.
I will be looking to hold everything i could in it from coarls, inverts and fish. Would this setup be able to take the most most complex corals ( ie that need the most lightinh ect..) Cause i dont want to upgrade in the near future with better lighting, filtration ect. Just want to get the best i can for the system in one go, or at least enough so it can take nearly everything for this size tank, 150 gallons.
How does this deal sound..??? anything else i would need, i only have a Aqua ONe tank atm
Any suggestions would be greatly apreciated. Thx


Active Member
That pump is really not enough flow ( only 6 X ) for a reef and theres no metion of lighting..No overflow rateing or drain sizes..most people dont really like wet/drys as main filter and best IMO to have a refugium and more flow if you want a varied reef.....hard to judge fairly from a sells pics?


Refugiums, do they benefit that much, or will a sump do.....
Do they take more effort to maintain then a sump.. things like that.
Could people please post pics of there refugiums plz.


Here is some more info.
The size of the overflow is 6"x6" or 15Cmx15cm to a height of 610mm.
The pump can be upgraded to a 4000l/Hr for $15.00 extra or a 8000l/Hr for $50.00 extra. thoughts..?
Lighting combination of either T5 and halides or Fluros and Halides. ???
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
You can not pump more water into the tank then the drains can handle. The size of the " drain pipe " matters, The rateing of the overflow determines the amount that can be pumped into the tank.......


so what be the recommend drain pipe ize for 8000l/h.
Also what is a better lighting combanation either T5 and halides or Fluros and Halides.


Active Member
I recomend 2- 1.5 inch pipes to drain 8000 LPH, may not need that much depending on head loss of the pump from the presure.....also the sump or fuge will have to handle the amout of flow thru it too.
IMO, most preasembled so called everything systems have under rated or crapy equipment and best to just peice your system together seperately with quality stuff to fit your needs....up to you..
I dont use additional flouresents with my MHs. The color of my bulbs are good for me and flouresents wash out the glitter/shimmer lines from the water.....Most all additional lighting is flouresents and NOs are IMO useless for reefs, PCs to T5s are better, to VHOs being the best as far as flouresents go.