New reef tank is open for business...


I finally set back up my 75g tank with my old 140lbs of live rock. Had one before but after a house fire, I lost all my fish and coral so the rock has been "cycling" by its lonesome for 2 years until I could set the new tank up. Anyway, finished the cycle using 2 firefish and everything is going great. Here are some pics of my mushroom, leather, and my fish. I officially have the incredible hulk of clowns! He is gigantic. over 4"!!!


yeah. don't be scared.
They are hardy. I cycled my last 75g with a tank-raised false perc. Keep in mind my rock had been in a tank before and had been in water with filters and powerheads on it for 2 years or so. Beats the hell out of tryin to catch f'n damsels after it cycles.


Active Member
Your rock work looks great, can't believe you saved it and took such good care of it for 2 yrs, nice job
But i have to say, you didn't need to put firefish in the tank, you could have fantom fed or used a raw shrimp, would have done the same thing, your fish may not have suffered, but very well could have if your ammonia spiked real high. But again, nice tank


Active Member
yea, but those fishs gills are all messed up now. its like pouring ammonia into your lungs so to speak.


Active Member
Originally Posted by townsdp
yeah. don't be scared.
They are hardy. I cycled my last 75g with a tank-raised false perc. Keep in mind my rock had been in a tank before and had been in water with filters and powerheads on it for 2 years or so. Beats the hell out of tryin to catch f'n damsels after it cycles.
shame, shame, shame. Cycling with fish is a no no. You made those fish suffer for no reason other then your unwillingness to be patients and let the tank cycle by itself
I’ll leave it at that, but I can almost bet here come the nukes.
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Active Member
rock work looks really nice. Is that pvc under there for support or is it a spray bar? either way , looks great>


Hey, looks great! Is that a 75gal SeaClear II? I just picked one up (in perfect condition) from Craigslist for $150 today!
I can't wait to get it setup. Now if I can only talk the wife out of puffers and triggers...