New Reef Tank Progression (Pics)


Active Member
Yes. And compared to my LFS that offer 24 hour guartness which are basically pointless...I think this site offers a 6 day arrive alive and stay alive guarntee. And that other site we were talking about has 14 day guarntee


Active Member
lol wut u talking about? my finger hurts from touching that sharp rock! lol theres no visable cut or anything, but it feels like a paper cut kinda!! ahhh !!! lol my other finger that felt like that feels good now, but my pinky still kinda hurts doh


Active Member
What about the kinds that are made for aquariums? Or are these the one you are talking about. :notsure:


Active Member
Well I didn't have any of those on me, All I had it latex gloves, and a dude that works at my LFS said he put those in his tank and everything died... do'h


Active Member
Yea I wouldnt try latex gloves either. I thought you were talking about the ones that are made for aquarium use. :D


Active Member
Okay Since this Thread has now turned into a Q & A thread, I'm making a new one for just pics, check it out lol
It will be called 40 Gallon Reef Progressional Pics


Active Member
Put on my protein skimmer, its sweet, its already bubling, but nothing into the collecction bucket yet, it also is skimming off the top and the protein skimmer return flows into a box that has a floss thing that is already full of sand, I tested my ammonia it still is low, I might wait till it clears up and add a uncooked shrimp from the deli, heard that works really fast.


Active Member
Yea I've heard they are good to help it cycle. I seen that your aquarium cleared up it looks good. :joy: