New Reef Tank setup /Best Test Kit / Methods of Testing Water Quality


I am looking to start a reef tank and wanted to know what are some methods of water testing / Kits. Any suggestions would be great. There are so many options.......I just want to save some $$$ and get the approperate test kit. I am starting a 55Gal. tank with a fluval 404, Seaclone 100 . I have ordered 45# of live rock due to arive on Wed. 10/29. I plan to cure the live rock in a 20Gal. tank with air stones and frequent water changes. I am looking for and tricks. I have been doing some research, but have found out it is best to ask the Msg. board.........I have gained so much knowledge from you all and I am thankfull for that.
Any suggestion is a good suggestion........thanks all!
Mike (NJBluefish)


Active Member
As far as test kits go, I would recommend Salifert test kits. They are a little more expensive, but the results tend to be more specific and accurate.
Good luck! :)


Why not put the live rock into your 55 with the fluval 404 and let the die-off from the lr start your cycle? Track your cycle's progress by testing daily or every other day. Don't do any water changes until the cycle has completed......usually 4 to 6 weeks. No lighting is required during the cycle but if you have some, use it. No need for the air-stone either.


I wanted to add the live rock from the start........The shipment will arive Wed. Is there any prep I must do when I first get the rock? I do have 2" of sand in the tank 1.024 sal. (should it be higher?) I have had some suggestions to take the rock when I first get it and dip it into a solution of 1.034 sal. to get rid of any hitchhikers that may have attached themselves to the rock. I just want to maximize my purchase and take every precaution to start my 1st reef tank. I have never cured rock myself and want to do it right the first time. Thanks for your suggestions all.


Good point.........Some people tell me that I should keep the live rock in a bucket the first week with no light. Change the water every other day and rotate the rock. After a week or so...move the rock to the tank to cycle. Of couse using a power head/filter (fluval 404) and protein skimmer Kent Marine Prisim. Also I have left out the inital dip in .034 s.water to remove any hitchhikers. What do you think..........the reason behind the 1 week in a bucket would make it more convient to change the water...........and not to mention, less volume of salt water needed. Any other suggestions are welcome. I am on the fence with the bucket method.........I just want to utlize my tank for the cycle, but the guy at the LFS had a point......the first week you will have to change the water the smaller container you can use..........the less water you have to prep. If you put it in the tank you will be changing far more water. Let me know what you think. The rock will be here in the PM of tomorrow. Thanks for the MSG and suggestions.
njbulefish (Mike)