new rock and tank pics


well i put in 40 more pounds of fiji today.the tank is a 100 with 200 lbs of rock in it now.i think i am done with are some new pics i took tonight.thanks for looking.



Active Member
Thats awesome, thanks for sharing. What is your total fish list? If you have time to post.


i have two false clowns,one yellow tang,one large royal gramma,one possum wrasse,one coral beauty,one mandarin dragonet,and one black sailfin blenny.oh ya,one engineer goby too.he is huge.about nine or ten inches long and as big around as my middle finger.thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by motohead
i have two false clowns,one yellow tang,one large royal gramma,one possum wrasse,one coral beauty,one mandarin dragonet,and one black sailfin blenny.oh ya,one engineer goby too.he is huge.about nine or ten inches long and as big around as my middle finger.thanks.
I saw the prettiest EG the other day. Shiny black and yellow about 8 inches. Is your really destructive and ness up the tank?


i tried to catch him today while stuffin in the rock.unsuccessfully i might add.he is not real destructive,just enough to make me mad.he makes piles and gets under the rock.he is awesome looking though.awesome looking stripes.i will try to get a pic sometime.


Active Member
I'll give you a reply

Fantastic looking tank .... great colors and healthy looking inhabitants. Keep up the great work!



wow im super jealous of your frogspawn... i just got one ... looked great when i got it and has started taking a turn for the worse...
iv started feeding it DT,s and been trying to control my low ph problem.. hopefully it makes a turn back for the better