I have now officially picked through every piece (including any rubble over 1/2 inch starting fom one end to the next. some of the pieces have solid encrustation of coraline on the upward face, there are at least 4 different colors of coraline that I noticed (green, orange, pink and dark red) there are several serpuilid polychaetes (most unidentified at this point) possibly some annelid polychaetes too, a couple brownish sponges (on three rocks) an unidentified macro algae that looks like it may be a caulerpa of some sort. another skeleton of SPS (definatly dead though) as well as a skeleton of a possibly rejuvinatable LPS (doubtfull but you never know) I have not found any crabs, shrimp, snails, or free range worms at this point. though I am not going to be suprised if I do find some later.
I have also arranged the rocks so the best faces are towards the light sacrificing the ugliest to the no light regions of the bottom layer, in hopes of keeping as much of the coralins alive as possible, there are some rocks that are totally bleached and I dont hold much hope of the coraline recovering quickly but there are several that have maintained the healthy color of live coraline. over all I am definatly satisfied with the rock on whole, now for my part to keep the water pure enough not to kill everything still alive on it.