New Rock i got for $5!!!!!!


Active Member
Now whereas the second one has a bit less color, they both lived for years. Luckily, Lionfish12 got an anemone that appears to be a pretty standard LTA that will live for a while with lower lights as long as it gets good chemicals and diet.
That all being said, Lionfish, I still think you need better lights to keep him, it's pretty hit or miss with low-light LTAs.
I just didn't want to jump on the bandwagon on ya, too many people see the word 'anemone' and automatically classify them all into one category. Anemones, like fish, have different requirements for different species, and can't be lumped into one big category called "oh-my-god-get-better-lights-or-you're-a-hideous-monster".
Yes, stronger lights are better, it's hit or miss with LTAs and lights/nitrates, hope you're a 'hit' man. Good luck.


Active Member
oh yeah, take a picture in full lights and when the anemone is flared out, maybe it'll look better and you won't muster the ire of the board.


Active Member
Those arent actinics, they are just his regular lights that are on all of the time. And wen the tentacles are just drooping, not even swaying, and it has shrunk and LOST tentacles, then there are problems. Yea, anemones CAN look pretty dead wen they close up, but that thing doesnt look like its closing up. It looks like its trying to hold onto its life. See the way it sags wen it used to sway and reach with its tentacles? Notice how it just droops down, and LOOKS unhealthy. Now, yer looks great I must say, but also look how high to the top it is in that pic, and you may have had more than a hang on filter for filtration...


Active Member
do u think i can keep a LTA with 65w pc lights if i add coral-vite and feed him like 2 times a week


Active Member
Apparently if Moraym kept one, and lionfish still has his alive with stock lighting, then you could say yes. I would say yes too. And y is his name lionfish? He doesnt even own one:rolleyes:


Active Member
maybe he thinks there cool creatures :) i have xenia in my tank how would i go about getting the anemone not stinging it? its the only place i can put the xenia rock.


Active Member
Again, we're comparing two pictures, two static moments in time. Just because in one pictures it's swaying and reaching doesn't mean it's always been doing that and then magically stopped as it died.
I said it looks like it's lost color, and I advised Lionfish and will so again that he needs more rock so he can move the anemone closer to the lights.
Lionfish12, look at your anemone yourself and make a judgment on it, it certainly looks like it's lost tentacles, but I've had tentacles shrivel to a point where you couldnt see them too. I've had my anemone suck back in to where it looked like there were two tentacles. They honestly do shrink up that much, and whereas it isn't always a good sign when they do that, they do do that at times randomly. Especially after feeding, when they turn the stomach back out.
Mine lived on two Millenium 3000 hang-on filters, now those are nicer hang-ons, but hang-ons all the same.
Again, Lionfish, before I get the bandwagon on me too, I did say it's hit or miss and you really should look into new lights. But that's all I'll say.
This thread was started to evaluate a tank, not another anemone battle.
So I'll say your tank looks like it'll be decent once you add a little more LR. You have an eye for being creative with the LR it appears, just get some more and set it up in a very natural way to emulate the reef. The prettiest tanks I've ever seen haven't tried too hard with the LR, they've just immitated real reef systems and it turns out awesome.
Good luck with it.


Active Member
do u think i can keep a LTA with 65w pc lights if i add coral-vite and feed him like 2 times a week
I believe my Triton had a bit more wattage than that, and I also had the actinics on a lot. The anemones were pretty far up my reef structure as well.
I wouldn't do it unless you've already bought the anemone.
Not sure what chemicals will keep it alive, but here's what I used:
Black Powder (the fish chemical, not the gun powder
Reef Vital DNA
Reef Vital Livesand Booster
SeaChem Trace
SeaChem Reef Plus
SeaChem Complete
Those chemicals weren't just for the anemone at all, but the anemone did look better when I followed the chemical regimen versus the weeks I was on vacation.
I fed three times a week, krill and silversides, soaked in nutrient supplements.
Again, I wouldn't try it unless it's already sitting in your tank. Like I said, it's hit or miss, and mine were definitely 'hits'. My buddy's tank, similar in all regards, was a big miss.


Active Member
beware wocka, many clownfish will host in about anything, but i've never gotten my clownfish to host in a LTA. So just be aware of that, it still may not host.


Active Member
i kno. but ive never had a clownfish host anything in my tank for 9 months. i just see my maroon zooming around the top of the tank. just want whats better for him


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
i kno. but ive never had a clownfish host anything in my tank for 9 months. i just see my maroon zooming around the top of the tank. just want whats better for him

Anemones won't exactly be better for him. They can be just as happy without one.


Active Member
I've heard that anemones shrivel up once a day to change out the water in them. I am not sure if this true.



Originally posted by Chandler04
And y is his name lionfish? He doesnt even own one:rolleyes:

My name is Ocean, and I dont own one.
Viper, you got any deadly snakes laying around?


Active Member
Kewl. Well, it wouldnt be as hijacked moray if you didnt post about 3-4 replies each time you replied to sumthing. Yer thorough and all, but I know this kid, and I strongly believe that the anemone is gonna die. So you got lucky with an lta, but he is running a hang on on there with terrible lighting, and I have seen changes, thats it. You made a nice fight and all, but that is if the person has like a protein skimmer, a nice enough filter, good lights and good flow. THEN you could tell us all the stuff you told, and people will see that the anemone is just closing up, but it isnt. Ive seen 3 sperate pics of his tank, all of the pics of the anemone look the same... shriveled, bleached and limp.


Active Member
Well when posting pictures, you kind of have to make a few posts. But sure, we can blame the hijacking on me, multiple posts on anemones is off topic? I dunno.
I've only seen two pictures of the anemone above, so I'm not making a hands-down judgment, but I'm not one to jump on a bandwagon and harass a young aquarist with an immature tank. We've all done stupid things and made mistakes when we were young in the hobby, no need to climb all over someone's back. I remember when people did that to me when I was brand new, and I remember people jumping on you and other people when they were new. So I'm not quick to jump on his back and say "gee, you're dumb, what're you thinking". I'm trying to give a positive outlook while providing valuable information. If he doesn't move it up the water column, provide chemicals, and good feeding, hell yeah it'll die, but there's no need to tell him he's stupid and just offer no help.

I've read the board for two years, posting since September under this usernname. Bandwagoners without advice, that is what the board has become.

All I ask is for evidence from the other side, not rhetorical questions and what-ifs. Differing evidence is how we all learn. And when did I step on your nuts, sheesh, a guy disagrees about a couple posts with your sacred opinion and all of the sudden it gets personal.:rolleyes: Hell, like experts have never disagreed on topics, just turn on Shark Week on the Discovery channel tonight and watch how many different opinions exist with extremely valid info behind each.