Did you ever stack a deck of cards? looks like you have some nice rock to start with. think of stacking bricks when your doing it. no matter what you need a good foundation for what ever you decide to build. In my opinion you should never stack using the glass of the tank for support. take your rocks out, lay them out find out what you have to work with. get an idea in your head of what you can build with what you have. At the same time you can clean them with the tank water and a brush.. build it outside the tank take a picture, go get a cup of coffee and study the pic tear down and build again inside the tank. try to build without shadows you want all the rock to get as much light as possible. if you cant remember how it went together you have the pic for a guide. their is no one correct way to do it. just think on how you want the water to flow try noy to create dead spots in the tank. where uneatin food cant be seen and sucked out. attached is a pic of what I did to my rock tank set up is now on its 48th day everything cycled fine and quick. I started this build by washing all the rock in tank water, took me the entire day. then it run in another tank for almost a month B4 it tested ok now its in this tank and it took about a month for the tank to cycle .. I do have a small clean up crew working in it, I think they are the bomb they are allways working. only have one fish 2" blue hippo love him but he looks so, so small in this set up...
MY rec's
As stated B4 tear down. clean up, wash the sand or throw it out completely. rebuild in a clean enviroment. recycle the set up. TAKE YOUR TIME no need to rush you want something that when someone walks into the room they say WOW. Dont rush and go after the wow factor... your fish and inverts, corals or what ever you do decide to have living there will love you for it..... GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS..... Brian.. keep us posted on what your progress is..