I just bought a Sailfin tonight and put him in a 20L Q tank. He will go into an awaiting 65 reef, he started eating the alge in the tank five minutes after i put him in there!!!!!
They sure are cute when they are small. Once they become adults they are mostly brown. Still kinda pretty if you ask me. The Red Sea variety is said to eat bubble algae too. Cool huh?
You mention adult Sailfins turning into a brown color. How old would that be? Any photos? I have yet to come across one that is mostly brown. Thanks TT.
BTW on the topic of Sailfin Tang, I am curious to know the size and age of anyones's Sailfin . I understand that they can get quite large. I have had one for four months now and just love it. I would say that it is just about over 3".
I brought home a 3" Naso two nights ago. I've been attempting to feed him but don't want to fall into the trap that's plagued me in the past (you know...where you flood the tank with all types of food trying to find SOMETHING the new fish likes). So far he hasn't touched anything I've tried to give him (except nibbled a little on the nori I put in a clip) but has grazed constantly on the LR and tank walls. My 90G has been up and running for about a year so there's a decent amount of algae growth in the tank.
Should I be worried? My last Naso actively ate presented food, but that was in a new tank without established algae growth.
I have had a variety of Tangs in the past and have never found them to be fussy eaters. They always accepted anything. My Sailfin, however is an exception to the rule. The only thing that it raly likes is nori seaweed. It won't touch anything else. Fancy that! Bluto you might want to try nori for your Naso. It is extemely nutritious for Tangs.
I have had my sailfin for about 2 months, and he will eat anything I put in. His favorite is frozen brine shrimp, which I also supplement with flake, blood worms, vegetable flake.
I did a lot of research before purchasing my first Tang for algae control and decided that a sailfin was the best idea. Being on a tight budget I didn't get the desjarin, just a sailfin. He is great - fun to watch swim around and when hungry he comes up and says hello!! His color changes from deep striped to pale with stripes (depending on his mood, not stress) and my kids get a kick out of how fast he changes from dark stripes to light.