new sand bed

While moving my tank I switched my substrate from crushed coral to Live Sand. The tank has been switched for three weeks now and is looking good. I want to add a nice clean up crew but I do not know exactly what or how many to buy. I have 80lbs of live sand and the tank is a 37 tall with base dimensions of 13 x 30. I currently has a few turbo snails, a few scarlets, and an Emerald crab.
This is what I was planning to order:
10 - Cerith Snail Snails
1 - Queen Conch
3 - Fighting Conch
1 - Lot of 10 Blueleg Crabs
3 - Scarlet Hermit Crabs
10 - Zebra Hermit Crabs
5 - Emerald Crabs
Hawaiian Strawberry Crab
What do you think?
Is there anything else I should get?
Is there anything I listed that I should not get?
What do you think about the quanities? should I get more or less of an item?
Please Help!
Scuba Steveo


Active Member
I would caution if you are doing blue legs to not put other crabs in there .... they tend to get violent and steal shells from snails - but I have watched them gang up on some hitchiker scarlet crabs .....
PErsonally I like them but they are hte only crabs I will keep - won't mix ....


Active Member

Originally posted by scuba steveo
ok no queen
how many fighting should I get?
what is hte?

fat fingered THE ....
I'd skip the fighting and get some nassirius snails ... will stir you sand bed's top level and do the same. But if you must have a fighting conch then I'd just get one


Way too many of several items.
I would go with:
5 scarlet reef hermits
5 cerith
5 trouchas
5 stometella
5 nassarius snails
maybe 1 fighting conch
worms and pods you did not mention but keep in mind that various worms are your best sand bed cleaners.
where can you buy worms?
and pods...i have some but would love more...can you buy a pod solution to speed pod growth?


Active Member
Agree with the modified stocking recommendation. Cleaners need to eat too and when you have too many, some will starve.
Do a search on the web for kits to add worms, pods to your sand bed. There is/are outfits out there that specialize in that sort of thing. Also, ask your LFS if you can have some rubble from the bottom of their curing tank. Usually loaded with all kinds of life.
Alright, thanks for all the help, here is my modified order:
10 - Cerith Snail Snails (I can not buy fewer from this web site)
5 - Mexican/Trochus Snail
5 - Nassarius Snail
1 - Fighting Conch
5 - Scarlet Hermit Crabs
10 - Zebra Hermit Crabs
2 - Emerald Crabs
Hawaiian Strawberry Crab
Are there any objections to this order?
What can you tell me about the Hawaiian Feather Duster? Is it more colorful than the others? Is it larger? Should I order one? I currently do not have any dusters. Does anybody have a pic that they can post?
Also, one last item. Any suggestions on a dwarf angel?
Once again thank you for all the help with my ordering.