I was FOWLR so I'm really new on the chemistry stuff
I don't have a ca suplement yet gotta go buy something today to get started. My test kit has a correction buffer but I'd probably use it all up to I thought I'd go get an 8 oz. bottle size to start my gradual intro into this. My test kit was the Red Sea Ca,P04,Nitrate one.
Ph=8.2 Do I have to do a separate Alk test or doesn't that cover this? Will I have to get a test kit for mag. as well??
Nitrate= Best I can read seems very light gray = 5ppm
Ca= 300 to 350ppm not sure not used to color differences yet
P04=0.15ppm piece of cake
sg=1.021 or 28.7ppt piece of cake
temp=77 Deg
I want to be: Soon
Temp 78 Deg