New Sebae


Hey all. I just purchased a new sebae anenome yesterday, my first. over the night it sort of shriveled up a bit (not dead by any means)... but I am natrurally worried.
It spent most of the night, lights out, under an overhang in my tank... this morning I kind of "chased" him out to the light. Are there extra steps I can take to make sure it's healthy and adjusting well?


I think you should do nothing to the anemone itself for at least two weeks, this is a natural acclimation to your tank period. About all you can do is to check your water and make sure you have proper lighting for a sebea. This means MH lights for the best chance of sucesss. Also a sand substrate so that it can burry its foot.
For now its going to be searching your tank looking for a place that is right for it. Hopefully you got a good tan/brown speciman and not a white one.


This actually reminds me, what is a good lighting schedule for my Orbit PC's... I have the white florescent, the blue actinic and the moonlight fixture... does anyone have a good suggestion for how many hours of what I should be running?
Is there a better place to post this query?


Active Member
Here's my lighting schedule:
10 am Actinics On
11 am Daylights On
9 pm Daylights Off
10 ph Actinics Off
Moonlights stay on 24/7