New set-up 210 gallons


Originally Posted by dingo0722
very nice. How do you keep it so clean
How long has your system been setup

Well all the stuff in it came out of my 120 that had been up for about 1 year. I just spend a few minutes each day to keep it clean like that. It is not to bad.


uhmm... it's in front of a window? isn't that a bad thing? :notsure:
Nice tank though. Needs about a truck load of LR.


Originally Posted by Agent707
uhmm... it's in front of a window? isn't that a bad thing? :notsure:
Nice tank though. Needs about a truck load of LR.

Not if the window does not get opened. Plus I have a back ground on the tank that light can not get through.


Originally Posted by drew2005
Nice tank! But you definitely need more LR. Those eels need more places to hide.
They are going to go into another tank after it gets cycled. They have alot of places right now to hide. The green one you can barely find him most of the time. The golden one swims all day.