New Set Up. Feedback Please


I just set up a 55 Gal. SW tank. Just wondering if I am on the right track.....right now I have a Filstar XP2 Canister Filter, Seaclone 100 Skimmer, 3 strip canopy-2 flourescents, 1 blue, about 28# of LR. with fine CC sub.
I would like to also add a powerhead(with filter)? to increase flow.Looking for a fully submersible. I have a heater, but with the room temp and the lighting, the tank temp is around 80. So the heater is kind of useless right now.
Threw the rock and raw shrimp in about 4 days ago....did a test last night, nitrite through the roof ( I believe this is normal while cycling)...PH @ 7.8. (added PH up, doesn't seem to be working).
I plan on testing every other day to moniter.
I know patience is key, so I have been glued to this site, grabbing whatever tips I can. How am I doing?
Any feedback would be welcome


Active Member
Agree with Kip, things seem okay, don't worry about your pH during the cycle, I too would rethink the cc.


Well-Known Member
all sounds normal. I would wait at least three weeks before adding fish to allow parasites to die off.
I do not use the shrimp method- prefer live fish such as a molly. I hope the tank does not smell too bad and you do not get a white ammonia cloud in about 2-3 weeks.
Welcome, take your time. it will be worth it


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
I do not use the shrimp method- prefer live fish such as a molly. I hope the tank does not smell too bad and you do not get a white ammonia cloud in about 2-3 weeks.

Where did you get that it would cause a white ammonia cloud? Never heard of that. As far as the smell, any cycling tank smells. No matter what you are cycling with.


yah, unfortunatly I read about the sand after everything was set up...not sure if I want to tear it all apart at this point......
I heard that the CC eventually breaks down into this true?
And yes, I do want to go with reef / fish, gonna start slow though. I know I need alot better lighting than I have, however some things will be mushrooms and stuff requiring less light? Right?
Never heard of the tank going cloudy when cycling with shrimp? Shoud I take them out...? It has been 4 days, process is well on it's way right?


What are your goals as far as live stock ? I went through a lot of stress due to missinformation of lfs's and beeing a beginner.
I bought all that stuff , then found out about halides beeing what i really should have got. so i bought a nice halide VHO hood.
Then i find out i really should have gone with a sump/refugium.... which im in the process of building.. LOL Everything i have right now is doing fine with my original setup but i figured why take chances, and i want to make the critters in my tank happy .


just looking at getting a couple of Clowns, Goby, the basic cleaners...snails and crabs...for now. Once I get everything established and get a feel for the whole thing, I want to concentrate more on reef, which means a new lighting system, possibly new filtering system?


I would replace the CC with sand...while you are in the cycling stages....might prolong it a day or two but you will be much better off and a lot happier in the long run...everything else seems right on track though....Keep us up to date!!


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by ReefNut
Where did you get that it would cause a white ammonia cloud? Never heard of that. As far as the smell, any cycling tank smells. No matter what you are cycling with.

Well now you have. If you build up a cycle and the remove (or reduce) the bioload, the bacteria dies off. this can cause a white cloud so dense you can not the back of the tank.


well I took everyone's advice and switched out the CC last night. Went well, have a nice 3" bed....water was very cloudy, but this morning it is crystal clear. THANKS!! Sand looks great.


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
Well now you have. If you build up a cycle and the remove (or reduce) the bioload, the bacteria dies off. this can cause a white cloud so dense you can not the back of the tank.

I think your full of it as usual. :p


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by freeride7
uh-oh, what have I 2 play nice.

Just the usual. reef and I always engage in some good natured kidding. That way everyone (including me) gets a more complete picture of aquariums.


New Member
Ok first post here, i stumbled across this site yesterday and thought i would post something that i have tried. I came across this product called Bacter Vital from the marc weiss company. it is basically made to cycle your tank for imediate adaption of aquatic life. Now i am not one to get into new products the old way has always worked and why change right? well i have a 40 gal tank that was sitting empty so i thought for 5 bucks and curiostiy i would give it a shot and see what happens and then post expierence on the forum that i belong to, i setup the tank with LS/LR and then added this product and observed how all of the levels stabelized within 15 minutes so far so good. i proceeded to let the tank cycle normally for a week and then added two damsels to observe the ammonia levels to see if this prduct would hold up, all levels before adding the fish were perfect. 1 week later the ammonia did go up as expected but quickly stabilized. All other levels were still perfect. I breed perculas and thought i would add a couple just two weeks into the expierment to again see if this product does hold up. 4 weeks into the expierment and still all levels are good with the exception of the ammonia going up a bit more. Now i know i will probably get flamed as you call it but again this is for expiermentation purposes to try and see if these new products do really work or not so bear with me. I am going to jump ahead a bit to 2 months later there is now 2 perculas a red coris wrasse and the two damsels all are well the ammonia did get to a higher level at which point ammo-lock was administered and ammonia lowered. All of the fish are healthy levels are great the LR looks great and the water is crystal clear. the filtration method are as follows a fluval 304 a powerhead pointed towards the surface for good water movement and oxygen as well. This product seems to work great which has surprised me most of this type of stuff never works. My only concern may be that with this type of cycling is do you think the cycle was strong enough? or is this going to cycle again when another fish would be added?? Obviously i would not add anymore fish dont need to overload. has anyone else used this product? if so how were your results? Hope this was informative as i said just an expierment but this product could be an alternative for someone with no patience which we all know is something that is hard to come by when we want to get into this hobby.