New Member
I have been in FW hobby 15 years and successfully bred Discus successfully for several years. I pulled a 55 gallon out recently thinking I would get back into the Discus hobby.
For some reason I changed my mind and started Saltwater. However, i left the gravel, added 20 pounds of crushed coral, and here is the set up...
55 gallon
two Hagen 301 powerheads
undergravel filter (I know a bad idea right?)
freshwater gravel
20 lbs crushed coral
40 pounds of live rock
magnum 350 deluxe canister filter
The live rock has been in the tank for about one month. The water tests have all been positive. Ammonia is 0, PH is 8, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10 and Salinity 1.025.
I have changed 10 gallons of water once and just used regular tap water and instant ocean salt.
I have on yellow tail damsel and one 3 stripe damsel. I have several feather dusters growing on the live rock and some little translucent white shrimpy looking guy that hides in the crevices. It appears I have some green hair algae and in the last few days quite a bit of brown algae as well. I am getting some coraline growth as there are several areas of purple patches etc.
I dont want a bunch of crazy fish but thought I might add a yellow tang, gold striped clown, and maybe a cleaner shrimp.
My question is this. What problems do you guys see with the set up? I know I probably should have a skimmer but dont have one yet. I didnt know if the live rock and canister filter would be sufficient. I probably should use RO water, but the tank is in my office and they dont have that capability.
My goal is to learn about Saltwater, slowly, and eventually have a much larger (125-200) gallon reef tank in my home. I just want to learn slowly and not waste a bunch of money in the process. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks and a great site....
For some reason I changed my mind and started Saltwater. However, i left the gravel, added 20 pounds of crushed coral, and here is the set up...
55 gallon
two Hagen 301 powerheads
undergravel filter (I know a bad idea right?)
freshwater gravel
20 lbs crushed coral
40 pounds of live rock
magnum 350 deluxe canister filter
The live rock has been in the tank for about one month. The water tests have all been positive. Ammonia is 0, PH is 8, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10 and Salinity 1.025.
I have changed 10 gallons of water once and just used regular tap water and instant ocean salt.
I have on yellow tail damsel and one 3 stripe damsel. I have several feather dusters growing on the live rock and some little translucent white shrimpy looking guy that hides in the crevices. It appears I have some green hair algae and in the last few days quite a bit of brown algae as well. I am getting some coraline growth as there are several areas of purple patches etc.
I dont want a bunch of crazy fish but thought I might add a yellow tang, gold striped clown, and maybe a cleaner shrimp.
My question is this. What problems do you guys see with the set up? I know I probably should have a skimmer but dont have one yet. I didnt know if the live rock and canister filter would be sufficient. I probably should use RO water, but the tank is in my office and they dont have that capability.
My goal is to learn about Saltwater, slowly, and eventually have a much larger (125-200) gallon reef tank in my home. I just want to learn slowly and not waste a bunch of money in the process. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks and a great site....