New set up. Need Advice!


I have a very small 5 gallon tank that I want to make into a nano reef. I already have a 37 gallon tank running, so I do know the basics, but am wondering what kind of filtration I should use etc..
The tank is just a Walmart special, so I don't know if the filtration that came with it would work, or if I would need to upgrade somehow. Also would the stock set up provide enough water flow, or would I need to change that as well?
I have a coralife 50/50 with 36 total watts that I will be using for this tank. I'm sure this will be perfect for this tank. Bout 7 watts/gal.
Anyone who has any comments or advice would be appreciated. :joy:


Active Member
I wouldn't use the stock hang-on filter.
I think all you will need is a small powerhead you can conceal behind a rock and buy one of the 50 watt heaters at Wal-Mart that is set at 78 *F and cannot be changed. You should have no trouble hiding that as well. If you are going for a very clean look, buy a foot or two of 1/2" clear tubing and cut it once along its length, and then silicone it tightly to one of the corners. You can then run your powercords to the heater and powerhead inside the tubing and they won't show. I would also recommend painting the back panel black, blue, or light blue; whichever you prefer.
The lighting you suggested should be perfect!
Depending on the bioload, do a weekly one gallon change or change a 16 oz. cup everyday you're a work.
Good luck and have fun!


probably not.. .but i would maybe test it during aclimation. i know i thought the same as you on my tank so i took out my heater and the next day my temp dropped about 5 degrees overnight. sooooooo its back in!


Active Member
You'll need a heater. The light will provide heat when it is on, but when it is off a small tank like that can cool off very fast.