New Set up research


I am researching everything prior to getting a tank.
Can someone recommend the best place to get a tank?( I live in southern indiana)
Are acrylics or glass better for a reef tank? (leaning towards acrylic in a 50 gal)
What else do I need to get my tank going? (beside substrates)
I just want to make good, informed descisions before buying something I might not need!!!
All info would be greatly appreciated!!!!!


I lived in Hawaii for 3 years, and fell in love with the ocean there!
I had 2 small morays under my dock I could hand feed, along with a pair of banded shrimp too!
I'd like to have fish and live rock I guess, and who knows!

I just want a beautiful tank that I can enjoy. I want species to be compatible of course, and ones that are not difficult to take care of.
I have an autistic child, so I know he would enjoy watching it.


I dont have much experience with acrylic, but that is the way I would go if cost isnt really an issue. Acrylic is stronger and lighter than glass. Although I think acrylic is easier to scratch than glass.
Either one will work though. Neither is really a "bad" choice.
Get yourself a good protein skimmer, light, live sand and live rock and you're ready to roll.


Active Member
if money is an issue and you wanted a bigger tank (which a lot of people have glass tanks so i think this is fine..) you could buy most of the rock from marco rocks which is a cheap base rock and then buy like a couple small pieces from a store or from here which will seed the rest. You can do this with sand too, to save money and eventually it will become "live" anyways.
If your going reef you would probably want to look into drilled tanks and get a sump and refugium underneath it. Other than that get some good lights like t5s with individual reflectors or metal halides so you can keep pretty much any coral. Then get a good skimmer and 2 heaters and thats about it. (maybe some powerheads for some extra flow.)


I personally like glass tanks...they are easier to clean, don't scratch as easily as acrylic...and from what I understand they keep cooler too. Of course, being in AZ that's obviously a factor.
+1 on Fishygurl's suggestions...Live rock, T5s, heater, skimmer, drilled tank w/a sump (if possible) and powerheads.
Good luck! Oh yeah, and post some pics when you start getting your stuff!!!