New set-up. What other fish?


New Member
Can I get someone's opinion on my new 55gal sw set-up. Tank is long, 48x12x18 (lxwxh), have combo live/dry sand, 25lbs liverock.
Would like to have:
2 false percs
1 bicolor blenny
cleaner crew
and 1 other majestic fish that'll be happy in a 55 for a couple of years. Any suggestions wouls be much appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
Flame or Coral Beauty Angels are beautiful, I like the flame. six line Wrasse, blue chromis, orchid dottyback, and bangaii cardinal are some other pretty fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by juliedrool
I was thinking about a flame angel especially because of their color. Are they omivores?
All angels are herbivores...but they'll eat most anything...