New Set-Up


Here is the livestock I am planning for my new setup (once fully cycled). I have a 65g (tall). it is a FOWLR
Any suggestions on compatibility? Any suggestions on the order they are added?
1- Clown (undecided as to which)
2- Valentini Puffer
3- 6 line wrasse
4- Green Manderin (sp)
5- Niger Trigger
(maybe a foxface, but not sure with room)
Any ideas?


i have a sixline in my reef and they dont get that big. he mite get eaten???? and the clown, the maroon is the (buffest) lol so u mite want to go that route with puffers and triggers. i dont know that much about them, but i do know the niger is one of the calmest triggers.


Would you replace the 6-line with a lunar (sp) or is size still the concern. Any other opinions, 6 line too small to compliment the trigger?
I was looking at the maroon but my wife likes the d*mn "nemo fish."
Would this amount of fish be acceptable in a 65? Am I pushing it? Understocking?


Active Member
I would drop the manderin and get a foxface and you should be fine. Manderins are hard to keep and should be kept in reef tanks. Do some research on this board about them youll see. Other than that you should be fine with the fish you want.


well if u want nemo then get the biggest one. ive seen them pretty big. yea i would go for a lunar wrasse. it depends on what type of filter u have,how much lr,if u have a skimmer. but i would say u are ok i have almost double what u are goin to have in my 55. but my fish stay small. did u ever think of any tangs? or maybe a dwarf lion fish?


New Member
thanks for all of your help Job, if you are ever up my way, i'll buy you a beer.
I will get a larger Clown.
I love lions. However with the Puffer, isn't that a dangerous mix? everyone on the boards seems to think it is a problem.
Tangs are pretty fragile aren't they?
I have about 10 lbs of lr. I use a skimmer (red sea model). My filter is a fluval 304.


Will a naso tang fit in my set-up? the site says they are easier to care for, after my genocide, I am looking for easier fish to rebuild some confidence.


Here is what I am now thinking (order not set yet)
Niger Trigger
Valentini Puffer
Flame hawk
Dwarf Lion
Naso Tang
Clown (for the wife)


naso tangs are one of the bigger tangs they can get up to 18inches!! i think its a little to big for u. umm i have a convict and he is nice, very friendly, not shy. and he only gets 9in.instead of the puffer, y not a mimic filefish? it looks the same but not as aggressive! but their all nice fish.