new set-up


hey everyone
I set up a 29g saltwater tank a couple months ago just to get my feet wet in the saltwater arena and i must say i couldn't be happier! I'm definately jumping full steam ahead into this hobby.
I've decided to keep it as a fish-only tank because of the size and the cool cover that came with it (which means i'd have to ditch the cover for proper reef lights if i wanted to add corals).
My question though is this:
I am definately going to set up a much larger reef tank sometime in the future but would like to do it little by little because of the cost. I've done a lot of thread reading here and i know this is a knowledgable crew but i'm very confused about what products i would need. For instance, what's the best kind of protein skimmer to get? what kind of lighting would i need? what other accesories would i need to purchase to get things up and running?
i'm hoping people will respond and give me some brand-name suggestions or list their set-up equipment or point me to a thread that might answer these questions.
I'm sure i'm not the first to post this kind of question. Also, i'm sure the equipment depends on tank size somewhat so i'm looking at something between 100-150g.
and happy fishing everybody!


You'd have to figure out what exactly you'll want to keep in the reef setup. For lighting I'd suggest metal halide depending on what you want to keep. You'd really have no limitations on what you could keep if you went with them. However while metal halide is nice, it's not necessary for a succesful reef. There are plenty of great looking tanks here on the forums with power compacts, VHO's and T5 lighting. You'll be a little more limited with what you can keep but you can still have one nice looking tank. I guess it just depends on your needs. Remember, it's cheaper to buy a lighting setup once instead of twice so if you think you're going to want anemones, SPS or clams than go metal halide to begin with.
Skimmers, the Euroreef's seem to be everyones favorite. Someday, I'll upgrade to one as well. For now I use the one that came with my tank when i bought it and it works fine for me.
I'd go with a sump setup as opposed to any canister type filters or biowheel setups (IMO), adds a bunch of water to your system and has plenty of good reasons to use it.
Just remember that you'll get many different responses as there are many different opinions on how to set up, maintain and choose equipment. Go with what works for you and what you can afford because this is one expensive hobby!
Good Luck!


Hi, in my opinion I would go with a sump/refugium for that size of tank,seems to work great for me. I have not had my nitrates ever register over 5, and that was only once, tank is still young though. And I agree go with MH lights you won't be disappointed. I have an ASM skimmer and love it, other good ones are Aqua C and Euroreef. My system is powered by a Sequence Dart pump which gives me great flow. I have a 120g with 30g sump/refug. Like Caillou said it is an expensive hobby and you get what you pay for.... don't skimp you will regret it.


thanks for the responses.
I don't want to skimp, that why i figured i'd purchase stuff slowly for the next tank so i can fit it with some of the better products out there.
Again, thanks


I'm in the same boat as Fishy. New to the hobby, but definitely hooked! Would someone explain the sump/refugium system? I've read a lot, but still don't have a clear picture. Thanks for all the expertise that is shared on this site. It has made my initiation into the hobby much easier! :happy: