new setup, need opinions please!


I was at first considering an agressive setup since I thought reef would be too difficult, but I have done more reading and it seems like there are some corals that won't be too hard to take care of like ssoft pollyps, mushrooms, and xenia. are these some of the easiest?
also thinking of maybe an easy anemone, if there is such a thing.
Anyway, this is what I am looking at so far:
2 maroon clowns
1 coral beauty
1 pinktail/bluechin trigger
1 solar wrasse
1 tiger goby
cleaner crew (banded/cleaner shrimp, snails, hermits, etc.)
and 2-3 of these:
purple tang (very worried about ich, should I be?)
antennata lion (may eat smaller fish?)
yellow longnose butterfly- forcipiger flavissimus (too delicate?)
blue ring or yellow bar angel (may eat corals?)
Can I add 3 with a scimmer and neccessary filters? Which 2 or 3 should I get? Do I NEED a quarantine tank for the tang?
This will be a 100 gallon.



Originally posted by Hellspawn
I was at first considering an agressive setup since I thought reef would be too difficult, but I have done more reading and it seems like there are some corals that won't be too hard to take care of like ssoft pollyps, mushrooms, and xenia. are these some of the easiest?
also thinking of maybe an easy anemone, if there is such a thing.
Anyway, this is what I am looking at so far:
2 percula or maroon clowns
1 coral beauty
1 pinktail trigger
1 royal gramma
1 tiger goby
cleaner crew (banded/cleaner shrimp, snails, hermits, etc.)
and 2-3 of these:
purple tang (very worried about ich, should I be?)
antennata lion (may eat smaller fish?)
yellow longnose butterfly- forcipiger flavissimus (too delicate?)
blue ring or yellow bar angel (may eat corals?)
Can I add 3 with a scimmer and neccessary filters? Which 2 or 3 should I get? Do I NEED a quarantine tank for the tang?
This will be a 100 gallon.

first off the corals listed are easy, and very hardy, great choices there....
your fish selection on the other hand, needs some work. the clowns the coral beauty, gramma and golby are the only fish on that list id recomend to you. the trigger is not reefsafe. the lion will eat any small fish, clowns golby and basslet. most tangs get ick, fin rot, and hhle desiease. the butterfly has a very select diet, and will parrish ... the angle you want is one of the hardest to keep alive as well.. for a 100 gal imo if you want some fish get a school of 5 blue green chromis to go along with the coral beauty, basslet, percs, and golby...


Are you sure that the pinktail is not reef safe? I read multiple sources that say that the pinktail, niger, and bluejaw are reef safe.
I kinda knew that about the tang, I may just have to buy a quarantine tank for him.
I have heard that the butterfly has a select diet, but the one I selected is supposed to be hardy in a well established tank. wouldn't he be ok if I had my tank for a while and had lots of LR?
The yellowbar angel is well known to be the hardiest large angel, and the blue ring (annularis) I have read many places is hardy as well, perhaps you are thinking of the majestic angel...
With the antennetta lion (7.9in max), which I picked because it doesn't get as big as the volitan, the gramma and coral beauty might be in danger if they weren't careful (although there will be lots of LR) but I think full grown maroon clowns (6.3 in) and the tiger goby (amblygobius phalaena - 5.9in) would be too large for it, wouldn't they?


ill finish this later once i get to school, bbut there is no reefsafe trigger, i was thinking majestiic last night, sry for the confusion... ill respond longer once i get to school...


with the lion youd hafta settle for all adult fish, why would you want that... id rather skip the lion and enjoy my fish growing up and maturing.
imo there are no hardy butterfly fish, most of them are collected with cynide so they may seem like they are ok but eventually perish. also most of em wont eat frozen foods. correct me if i am wrong, but doesnt the one you want only eat sponges? also while doing alil reaserch most if they dont eat sponges eat polyps, so your corals could be put in danger..
i know why you this fish, it is a beautiful specimen, but i say once again, leave it in the ocean.


Thanks for the opinions! Yeah I really love the lions, so he will probably be added last and will have to be small.
According to Scott W. Michael's "Marine Fishes", "in most cases forcipiger flavissimus ignores corals..." and also gets a 4 out of 5 for hardiness (highest of the butterflies) so I may give him a shot once the tank is established. I don't plan on having any sponges. Butterfly delicacy duly noted.
Not concened about the trigger as it is widely known that the xanthichthys triggers (blue chin) are extremely reef safe and pink tails are almost as reef safe. I may go with the bluechin for added safety and because I have seen some pictures of pinktails recently and they don't seem to be as brightly colored as I first thought.
The purple tang I am worried about the mos because he is the largest and most agressive fish in the tank, and also the most succeptiple to ich.
The large angel will probably be skipped, but I just wanted to see if anyone had had success with one besides a genicanthus (which I do not find attractive) in a reef.



Originally posted by Hellspawn
Thanks for the opinions! Yeah I really love the lions, so he will probably be added last and will have to be small.
According to Scott W. Michael's "Marine Fishes", "in most cases forcipiger flavissimus ignores corals..." and also gets a 4 out of 5 for hardiness (highest of the butterflies) so I may give him a shot once the tank is established. I don't plan on having any sponges. Butterfly delicacy duly noted.
Not concened about the trigger as it is widely known that the xanthichthys triggers (blue chin) are extremely reef safe and pink tails are almost as reef safe. I may go with the bluechin for added safety and because I have seen some pictures of pinktails recently and they don't seem to be as brightly colored as I first thought.
The purple tang I am worried about the mos because he is the largest and most agressive fish in the tank, and also the most succeptiple to ich.
The large angel will probably be skipped, but I just wanted to see if anyone had had success with one besides a genicanthus (which I do not find attractive) in a reef.

i see i cant talk ya oua the trigger, one last bit of warning , i was talking to my invert professer today, and i actually asked him bout your tigger that your considering, i now see you may go to the blue chin, ( which he recomended if you MUST have a trigger), any way, just be prepared to keep having to replenish your clean up crew, they have a tendancy to go after snails and hermits, also your lionfish will go after your shrimp... its just bound to happen,
glad to see your holding back on the angel and butterfly. imo your making a hard but right decision.