new setup & pics?'s and suggestions needed


Starting to think about fish for tank
I have standard 2- 15 watt flour. bulbs in a 55g tank
3 powerheads
1 HOB filter
2 heaters
Will clowns do well? do they need anemones? if so can they live in this lighting?
Snails, crabs, banded shrimp?
What is the recommendation?
Can't really afford to upgrade lighting yet. I need a skimmer 1st
Any suggestions appreciated.
Tried to upload pics said file size to big limit was 500X500?
the smallest my camera will shoot is 640X480 what am I doing wrong. I've seen some pretty good pictures.


Lighting for fish, snails, crabs and shrimp is not an issue do not require much lighting (just enough to see). As far as I know (which is not very much) clown fish do not need an anemone in fact I have two tank raised false percula clownfish and they do not even go near my bubble tip anemone (but I am still hopeful).


Active Member
Clownfish will be fine they don't need an anemone in captivity. An anemone will not live under those lights. They need Metal Halide or T5 lights.


Tried to upload pics said file size to big limit was 500X500?
the smallest my camera will shoot is 640X480 what am I doing wrong. I've seen some pretty good pictures.
also Anybody familar with .... Tom Aquatics Pro Series Surface Skimmer Overflow Box with Aqua Lifter


Active Member
Pics...send your photo's over to, set up an account first (it's free) and resize them down.
Lights...if you can't afford to upgrade right now, don't worry about it. All of your fish and inverts could care less. Just don't add any corals or anenomes yet.
.... Tom Aquatics Pro Series Surface Skimmer Overflow Box with Aqua Lifter...sorry, I have never heard of it, so cannot give you an answer.


New Member
just to confirm clowns dont need an anemone but they do od better wiht one =) (this is from what i read from other forums) good luck tho with it =) definatly need to get better lights


Active Member
I have had my clown for 2 yrs, and never had an anemone. they will host differant corals, but do have to have one to survive.


power heads 170gph
heaters 250 and 100
Hob dual filter not sure of size
70lb rock and 11lb of live base lave rock
60lbs of LS
any suggestions for clean up crew and fish
tank has been set up fo 5 days
will get new water parims after church today.