New Setup Question?


Active Member
Hey I have a 55 gallon tank set up now for almost a year I think about 10 or 11 months... Anyways Im gonna sell it to get a 30 gallon tank, and I was wondering if I use the water out of my 55 gallon tank will I still have to cycle the tank?


Active Member
once the substrate gets mixed up by removing it and putting it into your new tank the tank will go through a mini cycle. just use water, sand, and rock from your 55 and it will be a small cycle.


Active Member
i wont be using the sand form the tank juist rock and some of the wat3er like ill use about 10 gallons of it.. and 20 gallons of new saltwater that i have had mixing now for 3 or 4 days.... is that ok... use 20 gallons new water and 10 gallons old water???


i think thats kinda doing the same thing but75 in a 180.about pumped UP.But ya that should be fine


Active Member
It should be fine....I don't understand why your downsizing though??? Smaller tanks are harder to take care of then larger tanks since you have lesser room for error....Between my 55 and my 90, I have a lot less problem with my 90 then 55....


Active Member
im a full time college student so I cant have any plumbing or anything set up in the dorms so I have to lug 5 gallon jugs arond everytime for changes and what not and I know I can keep a 30 easy lol and itll be easier in the dorms, but soon as I get a house ill have to budget me in about a 240 or + saltwater tank lol