New setup ??'s


Active Member
1. What size sump should i have made for my 240G display?
2. Can you run any type of carbon through a fluidized bed filter?
3. What's the best place to order a custom sump from?


Active Member

Originally posted by spmnarciso
1. What size sump should i have made for my 240G display?
2. Can you run any type of carbon through a fluidized bed filter?
3. What's the best place to order a custom sump from?

1) Bigger is always better....the bigger it is the more water you can put through it, plus, you have more water..I'd have at least an 80 gal sump...sump, not sump and fige combo.
2) I don't see why don't as long as its good carbon.
3) I'd check around your area for local builders. I built my sump (not sump fuge combo) out of a new 40 gal acylic tank. Cost me about 140.00 to build....


Active Member
How thick should the acrylic be for a shallow tank? 1/4" or 3/8". I read somewhere that if height is 12" or less, 1/4" would be fine. Anyone agree?


i think we have a guy that comes in sometimes that builds sumps and stuff.......want me to check it out for you???


i thought i read a correlation between running carbon 24/7 and HLLE. i do agree on the sump tho. bigger is better for lots of reasons including water stability.


Active Member
Honestly its much much cheaper to get a tank prebuilt and glue in the baffles yourself. I just priced out a sump to be custom made, was around 370 for it, the tank w/baffles 150. The custom was a bit larger (about 10gal bigger) and IMO not worth the extra 200 plus bucks.
You could go with 1/4 if its not a tall sump but 1/4 is more challenging to work with, I used both 1/4 and 3/8 pieces in my sump and the 3/8 was considerably easier to work with and gives you more room for error if you dont get a perfect bond.


Active Member

Originally posted by reefer44
i think we have a guy that comes in sometimes that builds sumps and stuff.......want me to check it out for you???

Yes please