New Setup


Hello All
I have 29g bowlfront tank I got base and some live rock about 10lbs how much more live rock should i get? And I got 15lbs Caribsea Aragonite. Should i add more sand top of sandbed? Anyone tried Carib Sea Aragonite-Alive? I got the tank last friday and i made it ready saturday. So it has been 2 days it has been in cycle. These additional stuff will cause a problem for cycle?


New Member
sounds like your on the right track. my tank has been cycled for about 6 months now. i did use the carib sea argonite-alive and had no problems. i actually bought some damsels to speed the cycle up (there pretty tuff fish) and cheap. it took my tank about three weeks to cycle and i only had 51lbs of lr. wait and be patient.


Add live sand from your lfs or a frends tank that is established, its cheaper and better. Put on top of your sand now, it will help with you cycling.


Thanks for all helps. Thats exactly what i have done today Triga22. I found someone is selling his reef tank I got 15lbs live rock and 15 lbs live sand from his tank and i added to my tank. But now i have some more questions :) The rocks i got has live critters on them like very small starfish and some very small ( hard to see ) white guys I dont know what are they :) The tank was in cycle since friday should i try to take out those little guys from tank and 2-3 small starfish? I dont want them to die in cycle process Any idea?
Thanks again


Active Member
They might survive it, might not...The cycle is very important and to let it cycle all the way..The HH are not that important they can be replaced...sounds harsh but no big deal they were just there..The overall health of the tank is more important than that of some HH..Who knows they might make it..I wouldnt take the rock out just for them though


New Member
I had heard once when I first started my saltwater research that they did a study with cycling and live rock. They said that they started a brand new tank and filled it with the correct amount of live rock and added fish immediately...not once did they have any spikes of ammonia or anything.
Just wondering how correct that might be? And, if it is, you may not have a problem at all.


Well i read about damsels too but i am not going to give that hell to that fish. I rather wait 2 months for cycle to be complated. I will add anything live after cycle is done. People might think other way but i wont do that.