New Setup


New Member
I have just started my first saltwater tank (55 gal with 25 lbs live rock and 3 inch live sand bed). I tested my water 24 hrs after setup (Jan 20) & according to the test kit everything is within its norm. Has the tank not started to cycle yet? My LFS suggested that I get some damsels which I put in last night. Does it take a while before the tank actually starts the process of cycling? I have also purchased 260 watt pc light fixture in the hopes of eventually getting some coral. Does anyone have any sugesstions for coral that work well with this type of lighting? Also, after the tank has cycled what is the limit on the qty of fish and/or coral that can be added at one time? I plan to add about 20 more lbs of rock remove the damsels and purchase 2-clowns, 1-spotted dragonet, 1-cleaner shrimp, 1-brittle star, 1-hermit crab, and maybe a tang along with some coral. Is this too much livestock for this size tank? Thanks


Let me be the first . . . to not only welcome you, but to point out that modern thought is not to use live animals to start a cycle, it can be extremely traumatic on the fish. It's still recommended by LFSs because . . . well, I guess because that's the way it's always been done.
Yes, a cycle will take a few days to get started, but it doesn't need fish. A piece of raw shrimp is popular, just dumping some food into the tank, anything that will start to decompose will start the cycle. Actually, if your LR has any die-off, that may kick-start the cycle.
Also, it's the consensus of many that a 55g would be too small for a yellow tang.
Again, welcome.


A few more thoughts . . .
Your lighting system isn't optimal for corals, but there are some, less light-dependent, that you could keep. A light system of T-5s, VHOs, or metal hallide would greatly increase your options.
The three secrets of the hobby are research, research, and even more research. Learn as much as your brain can hold about it. Not only on this site, but reading too. A good book to have is THE CONSCIENTIOUS MARINE AQUARIST by Fenner. Also THE POCKET GUIDE TO MARINE FISHES by Michael is a good book about probably any fish you'd consider keeping, it contains info about feeding and habitat requirements, reef compatability, size, and how it gets along with other fishes (Picking out compatible fish specimens is almost an artform).
Also, advice from the LFS can sometimes be suspect, so it must be taken with a . . . er, grain of salt. There's many a good LFS that cares about their customers and their tank, but you'll soon hear of many a horror story concerning advice from the local shop.
Common wisdom puts the LR amount at 1lb/gallon or more (Sounds like you're heading in that direction already).
A good baseline, especially for beginners, is 1-inch of fish for every 5 gallons.
I understand that dragonets have very specific feeding requirments and need a very mature, seasoned tank.


Active Member
I agree with what other posters had to say. A mandrin is pretty much a no no, at least until your tank is producing pods, you need a fuge for that to happen, and it still needs time to become established enough to give the little guy ample food.


Welcome to the boards.
This is a great place to learn and to balance what your LFS tells you. Some are great and some would sell you a relative for a $$. Please don't hesitate to ask any question. I heard this on this website when I first started and it was "The dumbest question is the question that is never asked." All of us have been beginners at one point and have probably asked the same question. :happyfish :happyfish