NEW Shark pond in proces of construction


New Member
Well i was reading some post about shark ponds and I want to put one, the problem is that I really don't have idea for do something like that, I was thinking in something like 2021g (3m(long)*1.5m(deep)*1.7m) but i cant find some about the water filtration.
I see some ponds here that are made with wood and other that are made with some kind of plastic painting blue so... I don't now how to start.

By the way apolognize my bad english but I'm from México and i dont spoke the english very well


Active Member
Hola mi amigo!! Welcome to the forum!! I don't know much about shark ponds but there are alot of people here who do so your in the right place. Good luck with your pond!! Hasta luego!!
:happyfish :happyfish


welcome to the fourms, judgeing by your name im guessing your wanting blacktips? your pond wont be big enough for them. there are alot of varible's in makeing a shark pond and most of them are cost prohibited. how much are you looking at spending? once you tell me that i can walk you through the whole process.


New Member
ci11337: Thanks for the welcome amigo

sebae09: Mmm.. 2021g is few for 1 blacktipreefshark?, for the question about what that I going to spend? mmm i don't now i guess only the necesary to keep it good.
Thanks for your answers

att:fEr :happyfish


well as far as keeping a blacktip, no your pond will not be large enough for them. your pond wont even be big enough for atlantic sharpnoses. this isn't just my conclusuion its my friend krj-1168's also. im not sure if you can make your pond larger but we have some species that we can recommend for that small of a pond. Bottom dwellers - like Bamboos,eppies horns, & coral cats will do fine in a pond that small,you could even do some captive breeding if you chose too. but if you can make it bigger please tell us so we can help with the filtration part and hopefully get you a final stock list.


By the way - are the tank specs - 3 meters(long) x 1.5 meters(deep) x 1.7 meters(wide).
Which in U.S.- is 9.8 ft long x 4.9 ft deep x 5.58 ft wide are about 2,000 gallons.
Still if your seriously planning on keeping a blacktip reef - your going to either need to contact your nearest Public Aquarium (to help take the shark off your hand in about a year), or just plan on building a much larger system.
How large - think swimming pool size.


Personally with the dimensions you give - I would suggest lower the depth by about 60 cm (or about 2'). Then you could keep Bamboos, Horns, Coral Cats, or Smooth hounds in the pond.
To keep a single Blacktip reef until adulthood - IMO you will need a pond/pool that about 16,000 gallons.
Or a pond/pool that 9.15 meters (30') long x 3.96 meters (13') wide x 1.82 meters (6') deep.


New Member
mmmm it's ok but I have near my house a public aquarium that can keep good.
I want to know hw can I start to built it? what are the materials?


Active Member
no offense but if you dont have a general idea on how to evan start building this thing i wouldnt evan try to do it!


New Member
In if because if I have idea, but doesn't one eat in fact to begin, have I seen some aquariums, and that help a lot, what I want to know is if they take base or from the floor?, here I have seen several very good tanks but I continue with some doubts and it is for that reason that I decided to write this message. :help: :notsure:


While - since you live near a public aquarium.
I would suggest you contact them first - to see if they would be willing to take a growing blacktip reef off your hands.
As for small shark ponds - there are a few options.
1.) Small above ground swimming pools - 10-15' (3-4.5 meters) diameter. - just add a couple of 45-60 mil pond liners used for fish ponds.
2.) Home built pool - built similar to above ground Koi ponds - materials need includes 45-60 mil pond liners, marine pilewood, and 6"x6" timbers.
3.) large poly pools


well have you ever seen a house being framed up? if so you can base your design off of that just smaller. consider yourself to be building a small room. thats the easyist way i can think of telling you. on the otherside have you considered a regular blacktip for your pond insted of a blacktip reef? i will post a pic of comparrison at the end. I currently have a regurlar(atlantic) blacktip that i could sell you for a great price. consider this the advarage blacktip reef shark cost cost to 1000$ and the atlantic species cost close to 2000$. i would be willing to give it to your for say 400 or 500$. it will be a few months before your pond is ready for any livestock and i will be willing to keep it untill than for you.
the 1st will be the blacktip reef
the rest will be the atlantic blacktip



There are things to consider between keeping Blacktip Reef(C. melanopterus) & a Blacktip(C. limbatus).
First - normal blacktips(limbatus) average about 6-6.5'(1.8-2.0 m) in length, and max out around 8'(2.4m) in length. While Blacktip reefs(melanopterus) average about 5'(1.52 m) in length, and max out about 6'(1.8 m).
Second - Since blacktips(limbatus) are native to mexican waters(both coasts) - like they are in U.S. waters. You need to check into your local & national laws on keeping native sharks. As special license or permits may be required to keep blacktips(limbatus). Since blacktip reefs are imported from the south pacific, they usually don't require any special license or permits.
Third- generally speaking most public aquariums are more willing to accept blacktip reefs(melanopterus) than normal Blacktips(limbatus), because the Blacktip reef is a smaller, and more managible species.
Just few things to consider.


New Member
Yeahh! thanks sebae09 for the offer, I undestand that you are selling me the limbatus? if this is right im seeking for the melanopterus, in my country you can find it from 1500dls to 800dls but I'm have a friend that have permits to import and he sell fish, the other day he tall than he can give me one for 300dls or a few more, but consider that the shark came from 15", I want to have the melanopterus and if I can the bonnethead but that fish(the last one) I cant find in Mexico why? I dont know, but i think because in mexico are very few people that have some shark pond
If you or someone can sellme one Im going to be very graetfull and also that if I can
, in the past I was thinking in a lemon shark but this grow a lot something like 13 foot I'm right? :thinking: so after know this I dont want one

krj-1168: thanks for the information that's helpme so much

Thanks for your help
Greetings from Mexico city :jumping:


Well - lemons max out at about 11-12' (3.35-3.65m).
And Yes, from talking with sebae. sebae does presently have a couple of blacktips(limbatus) in his shark pool.
I know several dealers - in the U.S. that can get Bonnetheads - but right now - they are out of season.
Also Bonethead & Blacktips(either species) don't usually mix well. Blacktips are known to prey on bonnets.


New Member
Ohh.. that's so bad
I'm just going to keep the melanopterus
I have 2 questions what filtration does I need?, and if I can have some adult tangs in the tank? :thinking: or some angeles or rays like blue spot, but I now that if I have angels, or triggers I cant have rays and shark but I think it refers to bottom sharks not active shark what do you think? or what stock do you recomend me?

Greetings from Mexico


New Member
The last time I checked with one of my associates he had three 12 inch Bonnetheads in stock. That was two weeks ago. If you really are interested in a Bonnethead let me know. You can also email me at


New Member
I forgot to mention that I can get you Blacktips as well (both C. melanopterus and limbatus, although I do not recommend C. limbatus for your size pond.) If you go with a bigger pond and want something more exotic like Bulls, Sandbar, Scalloped Hammerhead, etc. let me know.


New Member
sharkdealr: Thanks but I think i'm going to keep the melanopterus, but what price do you give a bonnethead or blacktip (melanopterus), also I live in mexico so do you can export? :notsure:


Well - blacktip reefs are considered to be one of hardiest requiem shark species. And therefore is one of the best species of someone interested in keepiing a requiem shark for the first time.
That said - I would highly suggest that you have experience with keep other sharks - like bamboos, coral cats, horns, or smooth hounds, before attempting blacktip reefs.
As for keeping bonnetheads, generally the best requiem shark species to keep it with is the Atlantic Sharpnose. Both species are roughly the same size about 3-5 ft(1-1.5m), And are found in the same areas & habitats.
But for a blacktip reef - I would suggest get a swimming pool that at least 12' diameter(if your eventually planning on giving it to a local public aquarium).
Other fish to keep with the blacktip reef - groupers, large angels, remoras, and cleaner wrasses.