NEW Shark pond in proces of construction


New Member
Good in if the tank has not been able to begin because I have some problems with money, and to its for work problems, in all ways I want to thank to krj-1168 and all the people that reads this post for all your attention.
I really want to built it, maybe in a nearfuture.
Greetings froms Mexico.


well just because your not building the pond doesn't mean your not welcome on this website, i never see you posting and we would like you to stay around, me and krj could even teach you about sharks so you can help other people when they have questions about sharks.


sebae's right. Even if you don't have a pond or tank you can still be a part of the group.
Just think of as time you can spend learning about sharks.
I presently don't have a tank or pond, set up.
Although I have one or two in the very early planning stages.
And I fully understand the limited funds issue.


New Member
Well Sebae09 and Krj-1168 thanks, i'm going to try stay more time here and learn more about fish and all related in this beautiful hobbie, and mainly about sharks
{Edit - please do not request or post links to other stores or sites}
Or some pics I would like to see some amazing home shark pond :cheer:


I hope you make over 7 figures to plan on building a shark tank because otherwise you'd be loosing money due to all those water changes/maintenance/feeding etc.


I hope you make over 7 figures to plan on building a shark tank because otherwise you'd be loosing money due to all those water changes/maintenance/feeding etc.
I could say something mean - but I'll be nice. And say that statement alone proves you don't know much about building shark ponds or keeping sharks.
There are several people on this forum that have shark tanks or ponds ranging from a couple hundred gallons to a few thousand gallons. And most did it on fairly realistic budgets(not hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars)
And up keep for shark tanks/pond can also be very affordable if done right.


New Member
sorry if im late to the party, or if the question of shark sale has already been addressed, but...
if the thread starter is interested in blacktip or bonnethead, i'd be willing to sell him one for shipping cost alone. hell, i'll even deliver! we catch them regularly in the Gulf, and it's perfectly legal to keep any shark species over 24in in length, dead or alive. native species are legal and nontaxable for private/home aquaria.


New Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
its not about the money, its about the enjoyment. go back to the nano section


alexrex20: Well I really interest in a shark but unfortunally I doesn't start the tank, I don't now about laws in your country, I live in United States Of Mexico, can you tall me cost or write me an email.
Well for all that likes sharks please add me to your msn: my email is

Can you post some pics (shark ponds)

Have a nice day.


New Member
Hey Alexrex20,
Send me an email about the sharks you collect in TX. I may be able to hire you out or buy from you. I can even trade CA sharks and rays if you're interested. My email
By the way, Blacktip is in Mexico. Serious problems with getting stuff to him. I don't want to see you end up in a Mex. jail.