new shrimp


Active Member
Yeah like jay said I don't have a LFS within 2-3 hours of me so all my stuff comes in the mail....I'm happy with 99% of what I have ordered over the years...

I know it says the specimen may not look like the picture but they also have a size description that Is supposed to be shipped and this was maybe a 1/2 centimeter not a 1/2 inch lol

Anyways they resolved it which as forbis mentioned they have great customer service everytime I've dealt with them


Active Member
Oh believe me not knocking online for some like you it's the only way understand......I have seen pics of your tank and impressed. Just happy I have a place to go look to watch them before I buy. I have an order in now w/LFS if he can't get it soon am going online to get what I want..


Active Member
another quick question about it essential that these guys are paired with a watchman? I have the 2 tiger gobies but not quite sure if that will cut it as far as being a watchman species? Just wanna be sure that one would survive if not paired...Anyways just asking before I order, I wanted to order the fire shrimp but naturally they are out of them right now so I am considering this guy instead for now and the fire later :D



Active Member
wow I forgot all about my dad having a pistol shrimp lol but yeah his clicks pretty loud every once in a while sounds like your tank cracking lol


Active Member
im gonna be adding some more inverts now as I am all done adding fish now...I will now be looking at shrimp and stars would like to get both the red and blue stars but I hear the blues are not sure why but I will keep brother does have a red one and has had it about a year and it is doing great


Active Member
that's what I was reading...although I see they normally hang out on the glass and people just hand feed them so this seems fairly easy...although its still up to them to actually eat...just because you hand feed them doesn't mean they actually eat of course...ill have to be on the lookout for a DD blue one


Well-Known Member
Linkia stars eat the biofilm in the tanks. Large mature tanks usually can keep one. Smaller tanks just run out of food. There not like a chocolate chip star thats a meat eater


Active Member
is mine a large mature tank? lol I don't know how large and mature your talking...divers den has a pair of blood red shrimp that just popped up...I don't think I want a pair rather just one instead of doubles of some which would take up room for other species I could I think im going with a tiger shrimp this happens theres one of those on DD now as well


Well-Known Member
For a link is I think even bigger. I had one in the 125. It died very slowly gradually shrunk down.


Active Member
im gonna have to read up on some forums or whatever and see how many people have successfully kept them in say a 90-100 gallon tank for longer then a year and calling it a success...I would think if you make a real effort it could be done...I just hate being ignorant and saying oh well ill just try it and see and if it dies oh well...

on second thought ill just leave it alone lol