New shrimp?


I just founf what I belive to be another shripm in my tank. I have 1 peppermint shrimp and I saw another clear looking think that lloked to be a shrimp. I did not see my otherone at the time. I have LR could he have come out of there? :D


It very well could have come out of there, but it might not be a good hitch hiker. A lot of mantis shrimp will come in on live rock. You should do a search for mantis shrimp online and look at some pictures. If what you saw looks like one, you'll want to get it out and either dispose of it, send it to someone (there are a lot of people who want them for species tanks) or find someone who wants it.


Thank You I am trying to find him again? What are some of the problems I might have if that is what it is?

john bowell

Mantis shrimp are pound for pound one of the most awesome predators of our world. With 4-D vision, they are able to create movements so precise as to kill a fish in one strike. Depending on the type of mantis shrimp (spearing or striking) they are capable of making a strike comparable to a 22 caliber bullet, and also known for cracking tanks if the strike is done at the tank wall. As for them killing any fish in your tank, I have heard of accounts of the Mantis Shrimp killing up to 9 fish in one night. Obviously these are extreme circumstances, however don't take this predator lightly. Ways for identifying this predator and getting rid of it in a humane way can be found by doing searches on for Mantis Shrimp. I loathe at the capabilities of this predator, however don't want one in my tank.
Good Luck!


My peppermeint shrimp and my snails and crabs all seem to be fine. This thing was clear looking not real color to it. I really could not find its head. It just seemed to be still by this rock. Then when I went to look later it was gone and I have not seen it sence. :D