new skimmer


Active Member
Im placing an order for a seaclone skimmer tommrow. Im getting an 100 or 150. Does anyone else have one of these? I heard they really help clean out the tank. The 100 model is $60 and the 150 model is $75..PLus $8 shipping charge.
Im using it on my 125. In that case i might have to get the 150 model. The 100 model works for up to 100 gallon.


Glad I caught this thread lion. I was just searching for the other thread "Need advise" or something like that and I cant locate it. We were discussing fish choices for your 125 I believe. Know what happened? Last post I made I think was Sat.


Active Member
im not sure where the thread went. Does aynone know if these are good skimmers? Im going to place an order tonight and need to know.


I have one and it doesn't work very well.
Most here have very low opinions of these skimmers. Since most think skimming is the most important filtration for a reef tank, you will be advised to spend more money and get something that works really well.
I'm working on a few cheap mods for mine, but I don't have any good news as of yet.


Active Member
If your going with a seaclone, go with the 150. The seaclones are not the best skimmers, but they are $75. If your willing to spend more, an aqua C remora would work much better. And they get much better then that.
Wait...A 125g QT tank?


Definitely do NOT skimp out on the skimmer, whatever u do. That would be the worst thing for u to do with a fish only tank, and dont just get it just it is the cheapest thing out there. U need to setup like a sump, or wet dry. Then u can put a nice sized, in-sump skimmer in it and get rid of wastes before it turns into ammonia and kills all of yer fish. A skimmer is one thing that u truely should not go cheap on. If u wanna go cheap, then get the jebo skimmer. It is kinda crap, but i have one and it is amazing. It removes crud like nothing else, TONS of thick foam, and the skum just lines the thing. A centimeter thck, and it is cheap, perfect for u. I got mine for $30 w/ shipping, and it has never failed. U can also hang it on the side, but yer better off putting it into the a sump. Do a search on ---- for "protein Skimmer Jebo", and ull find one. Best $30 i ever spent. ANd yes, it is working great on my 120, which has a nicely sized bioload.