
i just got a new snowflake eel today.... its only about 8 inches long
it's really small and docile i like it a lot
my blue devil damsel keeeps going up to it and wiggles his tail in the eels face
any idea why he's doing that?


Active Member
The damsel is trying to assert itself. It is essentially showing the eel it is not afraid of it. Damsels will do this with new arrivals, or established fish that might be seen as rivals. It may let up in time, or you might see the damsel continue the behavior. Nothing to be concerned about.


LOL, I thought my damsel was the only one that did that. My eel is about 13 or 14 inches and he still does it. He has been doing it for about 8 months. The eel has actually snapped at him and caught him, but I think he realizes its not his food and lets him go. Kinda funny when he does it, now though the eel just doesn't even bother. Don't worry everything is ok though!!!


i just got rid of a blue damsel cause he was being a little s.o.b. towards anything new i released into the tank. except mine would take it one step further and actually nip fins. like when i added a dwarf lion he decided he hated the idea of him being there and pieces of his fin started coming up missing.


I'm thinking of getting a Snowflake Eel but I'm not sure.
What do you have in the tank with yours?
Have you had any problems?


Yea I was also wondering about snowflake eels or just eels in general. Are they reef safe? What kinds of fish can you have with them. I need to know some pros and cons before I decide to get one.


In my tank i have
50 LBS live coral sand
50 LBS fiji live rock (30 more pounds of tonga branch is on the way)
2x96 watt actinic/power compact retrofit lighting
a pair of bonded false perculas
coral banded shrimp
blue devil damsel
5 hermits
3 turbo snails
1 small lionfish ( soon to be gone this week.... too much of a bioload on my tank and he's starting to get violent)
1 powder blue tang ( also to be gone because he is too big for my 50 gallon)
the snowflake eel i got is very docile so i like it... not having any problems so far..... however my friend also had one and his was really violent... when he brought it back to the LFS it started attacking the other snowflakes.... i guess it just depends on the eel... and IMO its best to add the aggresive fish last
i really like it though... he goes in and out of all the holes in my live rock


should be reef safe.... i think i read though that its better not to have one because they knock over corals when they move around the tank
also depends on the eel i guess


sfe are reef safe except for the fact if u have shrimps except coral bandeds they will eat them. the temperment of other eels are different for almost all of them. the sfe is probably one of the tamest which is why they are so popular. also are not skiddish or shy. there are some fish they do not get along with but should not worry about the eel inflicting damage to them unless the fish can fit in it's mouth otherwise they are done for. there are fish that they will get along with great that they could make a meal of but choose not to. it's really hit or miss, but for the most part they will get along with everything. good luck


Damsels are not even scared of Jaws! They have more kahunnas and guts than any living species. They are amazing. I'm not saying I like them (I think they're a pain!) I just like their character!


My snowflake eel is between 8 and 10 inches. It doesn't bother any fish, it does pick at my blue leg hermits occasionaly. It's not as agressive fish as you may think, I feed mine whole silversides. I put a giant empty Konk shell in my tank that is the perfect house for him. I have the open part of the shell facing the ground so he has his own little cave in there, when he's hungry or feels like being nosy he'll stick his head out of the skinny end part of the shell. When feeding time comes I hand feed him a silverside and he races into his shell to eat it. You can actually look through the little end of the shell and look inside, it looks cozy in there! :)


i have a snowflake with a blue devil damsel and it does the same thing too. i also have a cleaner shrimp in the tank. has been there several months... i have had one in there before but it ended up dying rather then getting eaten.


If you dont keep him well fed, you may be missing a damsel, or find parts of one in the mornig. I lost a six line the first night to my eel. I didnt realize he was starving. I also learned that they secrete some stuff in the water that effects softies/ xenia. Just my .02 worth. Good luck.


My snowflake eel is around 13 inches long, and my domino damsel always goes ans "swats" him in the face, he opens his mouth and acts like hes gonna bite her, but he just shrugs it off.
I love my eel, i just make sure i keep him VERY well fed, and he never bothers any of the fish.


That is how damsels are and why they are a problem in a tank with non-agressive fish, especially to those added after the damsels.