New snowflake eel has not eat in 7 days.


New Member
I do not understand why he is not eating. I have 2 hermit crabs and a small damsel fish in the tank. He doesn't even bother them. When I bought him the guy at the pet store could not catch him. It took him around 30 minutes to finally get him. So I'm guessing he got really stressed. I have tried almost everything to get him to eat. He will not even eat anything live. I ordered some feeder shrimp. But I don't think he'll eat them if he doesn't even mess with the crabs or damsel. Anybody got any ideas


it is very common for them to go long periods of time with out eating- so don't worry yet
Mine loves Shrimp from the local grocery store
also try feeding it after your lights go out


Do you just put the food in and hope it finds it or do you put in front of it's face? They can't see very well so you have to get the food close to them. I use a feeding stick thing that is just a piece of acrylic that has a couple of curves and has be flattend at the tip. I'll put a piece of shrimp on it and it tries to pull the stick out my hand to get the shrimp off.
Here's the one I use...