New Snowflake eel put on a show


New Member
I just converted my 55 fish and invert system into a 30 gal. reef and I'm now using the 55 as a kind of mini aggressive tank(future upgrade)
I've got what I hope is an eel heaven in there, small as it is, so are the eels(currently)
There are tons of hiding places in there, all perfected for their current and future size. Plus extremely dependable filtration, and the lights are standard, so they aren't too bright for the eels.
Anyways, back to the subject. I have two eels in the tank, one(an 8 inch zebra moray) I got on Christmas Eve, a few weeks after my second eels tragic demise(the first I brought back to the store and sold to a guy who had a huge tank, I was still a newbie and worried for the eel's well-being)
and the other eel, a 12 inch snowflake moray that I got the day before New Year's Eve.
This new snowflake is already great friends with the zebra, they are now always in the same hiding spot peering their heads out side by side(they were in the shop together also).
Tonight, though, when i turned off all of the lights in the house, except the tv, I went over to look at the tank, wondering if maybe the eels were out and about. I looked and could see nothing in the dim light and then something small and dark, the eel's head, moved right at my face, not territorially, but seemingly saying hi, then it slowly rose up to meet my gaze and back down, then it slowly swam around the tank, showing off. It looked like the zebra but bigger, I then realized the snowflakes on the eel only made it look like it had stripes in the dark. It was probably the most spectacular sight I've seen when it comes to fish, even though my scooter blenny can put on an amazing show when he wants me to feed him.
Anybody else seen an amazing fish show in one of your tanks?


I got a show for you, I put a royal gramma in my tank 2 months ago, he went right into the live rock and I havent seen him since, no bones or nothing either, weird man weird.


I have one for you. About 2 in the morning my

zu(little fury dog) came in and woke me up. I started to pet her, and felt something slimy on her tail. I got up turned on the light and found my snowflake eel had a hold of her tail and wouldn't let go. I got it off threw it back in the tank. It must of climbed out , and hasn't done it since. That has been about 4months ago, and they both are doing fine.
Snow flakes can be a very inquisitive eel. Mine would come out and swim thru my fingers when I would clean his tank. Never bit me, but I made sure not to move till he moved off.
My current eel the fimbriated .... Well I just keep my hands out of the tank, and if I do put them in the tank I make sure I know where he is at. He is one that is not afraid to bite the hand that feeds him. Besided that it hurts like heck.

Originally posted by Snakes'n'fish
He is one that is not afraid to bite the hand that feeds him. Besided that it hurts like heck.

Like a mouth full of needle, and to make things worse he gave a couple of shakes before he let go. My guess he wanted to see if anything would come loose.


that sucks i bet you did not do that any more i had a larg lion fish and i had to watch out for him as soon as you wold put your hand in the tank he wold come at your hand full speed



Originally posted by maxpain
Has anyone ever been bit by their eel that post on here, and if so how did it feel?

I was bitten by my 2 ft. Hawiian Dragon Moray. I went too close to his cave while cleaning the tank and he swam at my arm and kept biting and spinning around my arm like I was one of the squids he eats whole. I had to take an antibiotic for a few days because it started to swell and it got all gross looking. Arent eels fun?


New Member
lol, my snowflake was chewing on my finger yesterday,(btw in light of his/her performance, I named him/her Zane, the zebra is Zephyr) I guess the name fits, cuz chewing on my finger was sort of odd, but it didn't hurt, it was kinda funny, since its just a babe, i prolly won't be laughin' if it does that when it gets older, though.:happyfish :nervous:
Yummmmmmmmm, I didn't know we were eatin' fingers today, these sure do taste fresh, oops, sorry mom, didn't mean to eat your fingers