New Spotted Mandarin Dragonet Gobie??


New Member
I just received my first madarin gobie today, I also bought the bag of copepods for my live rock and the gobie to feed on. How long will this bag of 200 copepods last? Just curious when I will need to purchase another bag for him. Any input would be appreciated.


Originally Posted by katie30
I just received my first madarin gobie today, I also bought the bag of copepods for my live rock and the gobie to feed on. How long will this bag of 200 copepods last? Just curious when I will need to purchase another bag for him. Any input would be appreciated.
well they should reproduce but im not that good with copepods mine are all eaten


New Member
How do you know that they are all eaten? I couldn't actually see them when I poured them in. Will the goby feed on anything else? Just want to make sure that he has enough nourishment.


Active Member
do you have a fuge? if not, all 200 of them should be eaten in probably a day.
i truly hope you have enough live rock that has plenty of natural copepods on it, and you have a fuge for them to breed in, otherwise your mandarin will starve to death rather quickly.


Active Member
#1 Mandarin is a Dragonette, not a goby. Mine has not touched ANY SORT OF prepared food, no matter what it is,, I have tried everything, soaking in garlic and selcon, It spends ALL DAY just scouring my LR for pods and thats all he does, period. Your will go through 200pods in a day or 2, and without an abundance or live rock and refugium to replenish your pods supply, Im affraid your Mandarin might stave a slow death..


Welcome to the boards Katie
They are absolutely correct. Unless you have about 70-100lbs of very mature rock or a stocked refuge for the pods to breed in you will be buying 200 every day or two.


Originally Posted by katie30
How do you know that they are all eaten? I couldn't actually see them when I poured them in. Will the goby feed on anything else? Just want to make sure that he has enough nourishment.
I buy the red tiggerpods and I can see them in bottle. You say you couldn't see yours in bottle?