new state New tank set up


New Member
Hi everyone! Just spent the afternoon reading post from here! Some great advice! I have just moved to a new state and was unable to keep my old tank and am getting ready to start a new tank here. I traded my old 46g bow front to a 120g tank that has a sump. I am not familiar with the sump thing so what is it I need to put in there? Do I put plants/algae? It has a large skimmer Idk which one as everything is still in storage. My old tank I had for a year and had pretty good luck. This tank does not have a top on it. Do I have to worry about the fish jumping out? I will have live sand and LR in the tank. How much rock do I need to add for a 120g tank? I have noticed alot of people use different fish food here. I have always used flake or pellet and I was using oyster stew for the corals and purple up to get the coraline started seemed to work well. Do I want to let that take over the tank back or do I scrape that off as I was on my old tank? The back is not painted! Does the heater go in the sump? What is the difference between a sump and refugum? I am sure I will have `1000 more questions when I finally get started. Also I used to buy Catalina water for water changes how do you go about making your own water for water changes?
Thanks ahead of time for the help. I will add more info when I have the tank at home.
Anyone know of a good LFS in the Chicago Area?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by blondie1 http:///t/391371/new-state-new-tank-set-up#post_3470441
Hi everyone! Just spent the afternoon reading post from here! Some great advice! I have just moved to a new state and was unable to keep my old tank and am getting ready to start a new tank here. I traded my old 46g bow front to a 120g tank that has a sump. I am not familiar with the sump thing so what is it I need to put in there? Do I put plants/algae? Yes It has a large skimmer Idk which one as everything is still in storage. My old tank I had for a year and had pretty good luck. This tank does not have a top on it. Do I have to worry about the fish jumping out? Depends on which fish and sum fish that do not normally jump do. I will have live sand and LR in the tank. How much rock do I need to add for a 120g tank? Depends on reef tank of FO tank I have noticed alot of people use different fish food here. I have always used flake or pellet and I was using oyster stew for the corals and purple up to get the coraline started seemed to work well. Flake is like feeding potato chips feed frozen foods Do I want to let that take over the tank back or do I scrape that off as I was on my old tank? Its all depends on what you like The back is not painted! Does the heater go in the sump? It could if its fits What is the difference between a sump and refugum? Sump is a place for filtration and equipment; refugum is a place for growing pods and macro algae I am sure I will have `1000 more questions when I finally get started. Also I used to buy Catalina water for water changes how do you go about making your own water for water changes? Buy an RO/DI filter and salt mix
Thanks ahead of time for the help. I will add more info when I have the tank at home.
Anyone know of a good LFS in the Chicago Area?
Welcome, I'm in the Chicago land area also. The ones I know are Lombard, Tropi-Quatics; Boilingbrook, Aquarium Adventure, Chicago; Golden Aquarium. A nice one to visit for hard to fine animals, but you will pay is Old Town Aquarium in Chicago.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Hey, dvrdwn8 I new you would chime in. I haven't made it to them yet, some day. golden and aquarium adventure are on my way home from the city. Plus I get discount from adventure.


New Member
Thanks for the help! I will checking out the new LFS just as soon as I get the tank off the truck! Can't wait to start up again!