New still reserching need some Jedi Master of Saltwater guidance!!!


New Member
Looking for something small, 25 gallon. I dont understand the reef ready and all that yet is there a way someone can break this down for me. What shouled I look for and what should I stay away from, how much an i expect to pay? Things like this. let me know and thnks ahead of time.


There is some fantastic information in the FAQ section about different equipment and setting up a reef tank. You might want to check there


Active Member
I am sure after some more research you will find the answers your looking for. My number one piece of advice to anyone wanting to set up a reef system, especially one with a sump, is to maker sure you have easy access to all sides of the system.
For example my 75 gal DT and 75 gal sump can be easily walked around 360 degrees. This usually means a dedicated fish room but the headaches it has eliminated dealing with plumbing and keeping an eye on things in general is most definitely worth it IMO.
I would also suggest as large a sump as possible behind the tank not crammed under the stand. My sump is directly under and behind my DT and the exact dimensions of the DT. If any plumbing leaks occur such as a bulk head or return line beginning to drip the water falls directly into the sump. This type of set up has also given me great versatility when it comes to filtration methods, skimmer placement, additional rock and or sand placement etc.
I would also consider a room with tile floors almost mandatory. Your set up and its maintenance is going to mean some water on the floor eventually. This will destroy carpet in particular and most wood type floors also. I know its asking a lot but tile base and a low profile curb at any doors and if the worst happens and a large amount of water ends up on the floor it will be contained to that room.
Last but not least GFI outlets or in line for all your tanks electronics. This at the vary least will save you from any shocking experiences and can even save your life and greatly reduces any chance of fire.
After this peace of mind is obtained every thing but the fundamentals of the nitrogen cycle is a matter of opinion.
Good luck with your new tank.