New Stocking Idea, what do you think?


As many know I have a 55 gallon with about a 15 gallon sump, a DSB, and a good chunk of live rock. I just added some rock and a shrimp to get the cycle started, I will post pics in a few days. Here is what I am now thinking of adding in due time, what do you think?
Clean-Up Crew (This will consist of mainly snails, much like kip or kruk does. One of them had a post telling all the different snails they use to get the job done.
2 Perc. Clowns
2 Gobies (Would I need to get a pistol shrimp for each of them or will both the gobies get along with one? I am still reading to make sure the pistol shrimp won't cause any other problems.
1 Flame Angel. From what I have read I will need to wait at least 4-6 months to make sure I have enough algae for it to graze on.
That is it. Is this to much or should I be ok? Thanks for any feedback.


Active Member
I like the pairing idea and your stocking level is conservative so that's great. No bioload issues that I can see.
Make sure you have pairs. Not all sets of clowns will mate up and although they may be fine while young, as they age they will not be friends. Most goby's don't care for other gobies in their space unless they're pairs. Again, make sure they've paired up and not just a set.
Good Luck and let us know how it goes.


sounds good for a 55 gal but I would just start w/ the clowns then in a couuple months add the gobies and then the angel.


jump and moopie-
thanks for the feedback. I was planning on starting with the clowns as suggested and then building up from there slowly. How do I make sure that the clowns and gobies are mated? Do I just specify that or what?
PS If any of you are overflow experts would you mind jumping over to the equipment section and giving me a hand. Thanks. I am all thumbs when it comes to do it yourself things.


Contact.. this websites fish section! Most places will advertise, occasionally, mated pairs for sale. I'm sure they'd never fib either ;)



Originally posted by stumpdog
Clean-Up Crew (This will consist of mainly snails, much like kip or kruk does. One of them had a post telling all the different snails they use to get the job done.

that was kip, but i use astreas snails in my back up 29 gallon tank. i have 6 of them and they are doing superb job cleaning glass and rock in the 29.
if i were you, i would buy 15-20 astreas snails, and 1 fighting conch for the sand bed, and one emerald crab.


Active Member
Hi, my flame angel eats flake food like the other fish, so don't let the algea issue slow you down. They do however like a tank that is least 4 months I would guess. Lesley


Active Member
i would do what krunk suggested but avoid the emerald crab until you feel you need him... stick with baby scarlets and if you get bubble alage through him in...