New Sump - Noise


New Member
I just finished building and installing my new sump (soon to be fuge). Just powered it up an hour or so ago and all seems to be working well, but the water noise is much louder than I had anticipated. Is this common, or do I need to fine tune something. I seem to have isolated two sources: first, the overflow sounds sort of like a toilet flushing all the time, and, second, the overflow line into the sump itself. Any suggestions for quietening these things down, or is this just the nature of using a sump.
I have attached a couple of pix of the sump in operation. Any suggestions would be welcomed.
ps: The HOB filter on the sump won't be in operation. I just stuck it there thinking I might use it for a while until I get everything running smoothly.


New Member
Thanks, BigMac. I'll keep flow rate in mind as I get ready to set the fuge.
I did some fine tuning to the overflow box and was able to quieten it down some. I'll do the search you suggested, too.


New Member
Thanks, I found the stockman link and built one last night. It helped, but I can't quite get it "tuned" (hole size in the top). I still get a gurgling noise. Again, it isn't as bad as before, but still annoying enough that I want to tinker with the hole size some more. I read where most folks say a 1/8" hole, but that didn't seem to give me the best noise reduction.


New Member
I've been thinking about the flow rate if I convert this sump to a fuge. I am currently running a Mag7 in the tank (55G) and guess it will be too much. What would you recommend to get the flow rate right for the fuge? Also, can you make a recommendation for a good pump for the closed loop for circulation?
Try moving your discharge hose from your overflow around in the sump. Move it to a position and leave it there for a while to equalize the pressure and see if that position helps with the noisy overflow problem. Some people have better luck with the discharge being right at the water level, others find having the hose underwater reduces the noise for them. Try this and see what happens for you.
Good Luck,


to fix the gurgle, go to your lfs and get a "needle valve" same thing used on many skimmers.
drill the hole large enough to accept one end of the needle valve.
silicon valve in place.
adjust it until the water level is correct, there will be 0 slurping.
one note, you will need to occasionally clean out the needle valve, which is you you silicon it in instead of supergluing it. it will eventually collect salt spray. while this will not cause an overflow, the pressure will pull the water level down to the level you drilled your holes, and it will slurp and fill over and over.
an alternate to cleaning it out is to do a diy automated needle valve cleaner, but that is more hassle than it is worth, just rinse it in fresh water once a month and you will be fine.
as for the in sump noise problem, if your discharge is above the water level you can build a small pvc cube, and stretch a sock or nylon or mesh bag over the top, so that the water flows into the bag. this helps to collect particulates, and will also keep a stream of water from pouring into your fuge (if that is indeed what is happening). it is also a good place to place a small bag of carbon or whatever you might use to get maximum water flow through it.