New Sump/Refugium


So I have a 75 gallon reef and no sump. So I have decided that I will put in a sump/refugium. However, since I have no experiance with these, can anyone tell me which is the best (I am thinking 10-15 gallons w/light). PM me if it is


Active Member
Are you thinking of making your own sump? Or buying a prebuilt one? I'd do something in the 20 gal. range minimum on the 75. A 29 would be sweet. whatever you do get one as big as you can that'll fit in the stand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jman72
What do I do to connect the sump/fuge back to the tank?
You could drill holes in the back or side of the 20 gal sump/fuge and use bulkheads and some PVC piping to use as your return and have an overflow box to drain the water. Or if you are a little shaky about drilling the sump/fuge then you could just have the pipe run over the top and into the tank, depending on how much space you have.


Okay, this is what is figured out. I will have an overflow bring water down to the tank through PVC, then have it go through the sump/fuge and protein skimmer (is ASM mini-G, AquaC Urchin Pro w/ Mag-Drive 3, Corallife super skimmer 125, or Turboflotor T1000 going to work best for me?). Then, I will have return pump bring the water back up to the tank through more PVC. Any suggestions on the best return pump?


Active Member
I'm a big advocate of magdrive return pumps. You'll have to research skimmers a little more. Make a sump yourself. It's not that difficult but you'll have to ask around or research. Things to search on: overflow box as there are a few different styles. I don't like the CPR style, baffles, how to determine backflow (room for water in event of power outage), and fuge. I would turn it into a 3 chamber sump with fuge.


Originally Posted by jman72
Okay, this is what is figured out. I will have an overflow bring water down to the tank through PVC, then have it go through the sump/fuge and protein skimmer (is ASM mini-G, AquaC Urchin Pro w/ Mag-Drive 3, Corallife super skimmer 125, or Turboflotor T1000 going to work best for me?). Then, I will have return pump bring the water back up to the tank through more PVC. Any suggestions on the best return pump?
I would agree with mag returns, they get good reviews. I would see what the overflow box rate is and base the pump off of that. I have a 75g w/built in overflow and it is rated for 600gph and the mag 7's run perfect with that. Just curious though.....are you planning to use all 3 of the skimmers mentioned or at those just ideas? I have an Octopus Needlewheel 150 and I have heard nothing but good for it yet. Although I can't give any feedback since it is sitting in my closet (Setting the tank up in a couple months)


I am just going to use one of those skimmers. I want some advise on which one to use. The octopus is a little expensive for me.


I was going to say I think I payed around $180 shipped and I have been told to go with this one. I haven't set it up yet but it looks like it can do some damage.