new sumpfugium


Active Member
woohoo, it's all done...took the entire day but it's done!
as some of you have read already i took the presence of macro-algae on one of my rocks to be a clear indication that fate was instructing me to convert my 20 long fw tank to a sump/refugium. So, as an impulse fish type I talked to the guy at my lfs, he took in all my freshwater fish (they were much happier out of my overstocked 20 and in his big tanks i might add), he gave me credits towards necessary equipment, much of which he could sell as used and i wound up by the end of the day (now) with a 20 gal sumpfugium for around $70 after fish credits--including overflow, pump w/plumbing, 10lbs live sand, and a few small pieces of LR. LFS owner guy even came by my house this evening to help put some finishing touches on the setup. So, just thought I'd spread the joy. That and it's noisy as the dickens so I need to acclimate before I can return to doing things like, oh, reading a book, in my living room. -leigh


Active Member
Leigh - post a request in the DIY section for help with a noisy overflow - I know that Broncofish has been making stand pipes for hang on over flows that will quiet the systems down quite a bit. fairly cheap too I believe .....


Active Member
thanks for the tip, will do
oh, and btw, upon suggestion from my local fish store guy, instead of plexiglass dividers I used egg crate--the deal is get egg crate-super easy to fit to your tank, glue a little fiberglass screening (like you put on screen windows--make sure it's fiberglass though, not metal :) ) to the egg crate so that it comes from halfway up the eggcrate down and then has some left over at the end (maybe a foot or so). lay that in you tank as a divider with the excess screen on the bottom of the tank--you now have a nice barrier to keep substrate from getting through into your pumps etc... while keeping flow simple between sides. It's not as aesthetically pleasing as plexiglass-but it was easy.


Wow,you move fast. Egg crate with screen a good idea. What's making all the noise. We can work on that for ya.


Active Member
Moving fast-yes-the joys of spring break :)
What's making all the noise? Good question! See...I'm 100% deaf in one ear, so I have 0 ability to track down where sounds come from (since I only hear in mono not stereo). I can't even tell you how many times I've spent hours, literally hours, trying to fix a noisy pump or filter or whathaveyou, just to have my boyfriend walk in the room and say "whatchya doing and why is that *whatever I'm not working on* making so much noise". He'll tap on something totally different once and the sound goes away. So, needless to say something is making noise--i think it's in the overflow system, and I think broncofish's replies are the appropriate solution. Thanks!


New Member
to quiet my over flows down i place a small pillow on top till i can make a cover over the top doing this will make a big diffrence in the sound


New Member
i put the pillow on top of the overflow box on the ones that hang on the tank not the built in one cuts down the sound pretty good