New Tang getting picked on


I bought a new Yellow Tang today. Ever since I placed him in the tank, my Flame Angel is picking on him.
I have researched compatibility charts, and all state that Dwarf angels and tangs are compatible.
Is the FA just marking territory? I am gett worried becuse the fins on the YT are now ripped.
Please help,
Thank you for your time: :confused:


This can be quite common actually. How long did you have your flame angel? Chances are that if he's been there for a long time, he's established his territory. Try rearranging your rockwork and aquascaping so that all the fish will have to adjust to new boundaries. If that doesn't work, take the flame out, put him in QT, and let the yellow get comfortable, then put the flame angel back in a few days later.


Thanks again for the help.
I moved the rocks around last night, and this morning no one is getting picked on :)
The Tang is swimming and grazing with out any trouble.
Thanks again :D