new tang in my tank


I have a question my dad asked me though and I couldnt answer. Ich is a parasite right, say you have a tank set up for years and a fish gets stressed and ich appears, where did the parasite come from. We had that problem with some old oscars he had in a freshwater tank, ich just appeared out of nowhere.
All fish are carriers of Ich........only when they get stressed, etc does it rear its ugly head.



Originally posted by skilos1
whitecheeks are not hardier than the powder browns. The A. Nigricans is notorious for being hard to keep and that is the Whitecheek tang. The A. Japonicus is the powder brown tang. Which is easier to keep.

little confused here. according to Fenner's Conscientious Marine Aquarist (Acanthurus nigricans) is the powder brown which is much harder to keep than the (Acanthurus japonicus) which he calls the white cheek. not trying to cause trouble or anything just confused. Fenner also has pics which show elan's new fish as the white-cheek tang.


the reason i'm asking is b/c my lfs has elan's same fish and i was thinking about getting him. want to make sure it is the more hardier of these two fish.


All I can say is I started reading and stopped after I seen you had ich...Easy thing to do to avoid this is the hospital. I have ten gallon tank with about 15 lbs of rock in it and 4 inch base. I keep a fish in it at all times and keep it running and happy. when I buy someone new I move the fish in the hospital to a netted tank holder in my 125. I move my new fish into the hp tank and let him chill for a week or so. then trade them out. The little damsel in the hp tank is 4 years old and hasnt croaked yet and has changed home a bunch. He was a free to good home fish from a friend. Total upkeep on 10 gallon and all cost about 100..done tank whisper 2 filter, and light. little damsel does will on 10 gallon bio filter. I add water when I add it to the 125.


wow.. havent check this post for one day and feel sorta bombarded.......soooo... here is the scoup.
1) i have the Acanthurus japonicus which can be called the Powder Brown Tang or White-faced Tang (common names are often missused, and now, i dont know if i am using the name correctly or
As i have done in the past and still do suggest, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert M Fenners. Its is probably the best advice that was given to me and the best (and probably the cheapest) investment i have made for my tank so far.
I took the liberty to scan a small part of the book... I would like to hear if anyone else has a book that differs with Fenners opinion.. I unfortunatley have a few other books on corals, but not many on fish.


here is the part from Fenner's book.
Powder Brown and White-faced Tangs
Acanthurus nigricans, A.japonicus
WHEN SHAKESPEARE ASKED, "What's in a name?" he could hardly have had the surgeon fishes in mind, but there is plenty of drama-both comedy and tragedy-when it comes to the common names of these species. Can you tell me which three species are called "blue" tangs? (At least the Adantic Blue Acanthurus coeruleus; the fabulous Powder Blue, A. leucosternon; and the Indo-Pacific Blue Paracanthurus hepatus. The last is variously called the Hippo, Yellow-tail Blue, Regal, and Palette Tang.) How many "sailfin" tangs do you know? If there ever was an argument for using scientific names rather than common names, it's here in the tangle of everyday surgeonfish nomenclature.
Consider, for example, two very similar-appearing species of surgeons whose common and scientific names are all too often interchanged in the trade. For purely intellectual reasons this misidentification might bother you, but there is more to it. The two species in question look alike, yet are very different in their likeliness to do well in captivity. Based on handling hundreds of specimens, I'd peg their relative potential at aquarium survival for more than three months at a hundred times more likely for one than for the other. Both are sold under the common name Powder Brown Tang.
Acanthurus nigricans, which we will call the Powder Brown Tang, is an over all varying brown with a white patch under the eye. The dorsal, anal, and ventral fins are black with blue edges. The base of the dorsal and anal fins is graced with a brilliant yellow; their tails are white with a vertical yellow bar.
Acanthurus japonicus which we'll refer to as the White-faced Tang, is similarly marked and colored, with the following notable differences: the White-faced Tang is adorned with a red stripe on its dorsal that starts one third of the way back and extends to the end. Note the white patch under the eye; it's larger in A.japonicus, extending all the way to the mouth, hence the common name White-faced-some- times White-cheeked. (To confuse the issue, some sources give A. nigricans the name White-cheeked Tang.)
The body shape of the White-faced is decidedly more oval than that of the Powder Brown, but, realistically, could you tell these two apart if you didn't have both on hand for comparison?
And what's the big deal anyway? They're both good looking-very beautiful, in fact, when healthy and shown under proper lighting. Ah, but one is a historically poor feeder, all too often dying within a few weeks of purchase. The other is a very hardy and desirable aquarium species.
Both are often sold as Powder Browns, often for similar cost, and there indeed, is the rub. Yes, you do want to know how to tell one from the other, so you can purchase the White-faced A.japonicus, and avoid the real Powder Brown, A. nigricans.
The Powder Brown is widely distributed over the vast mid-Pacific area called Oceania, including Hawaii; it is also found along the East Pacific from Baja to Panama. Its range overlaps that of the White-faced Surgeon in parts of the tropical Indo-Pacific, but displaces it between New Guinea and Australia. Sources are important: for the true Powder Brown species, if you must try one, get it from Hawaii, Tonga, christmas Island or the Marshall Islands, not the Philippines or Indonesia.
One of the most frequently encountered queries we hear in the pet-fish industry touches on the ethics of what is offered. Why do "they" offer (the organism in question) under different names, knowing that (the organism in question) doesn't do well under captive conditions?
After many years in the aquatic nature business I can assure you that:
1) No, it's not some grand conspiracy to cheat the Western consumer;
2) No, it's not a mean-spirited lesson meant to impress the diminishing value of the dollar on you;
3) Yes, it is a problem directly traceable to the state of sophistication of the collectors, shippers, wholesalers, retailers, and other go-betweens. That is, it's about as good as we all can do collectively, at this point;
4) We all, as consumers, are/have been willing to pony up our hard- earned cash for whatever is offered, without trying to become informed ahead of time.
I don't like the waste and inefficiency, and I don't think you should either. Become a more intelligent consumer and cast your votes/dollars for livestock that lives. Make a choice in favor of the White-faced Tang, A.Japonicus. If placing a special order, be sure to use the scientific name. If you don't know how to identify the species by sight, bring along a visual reference when the fish is ready to be picked up.


here is my eyelash... i couldnt find him in the book so, at this point, i dont have the real name.


and i have another question.. i want to try the garlic method.... is it best to get garlic medication for marine aquarium, or is basically getting garlic from the suppermarket just as good?
And i do realize the importance of a quaranteen tank and will have one up and running in a few weeks... either to hypo my fish if the garlic/Kick-ich or other medication dont work, or just to have a fish only tank.


thank you.... she is real cute.. couldnt resist her when i saw her at the store.... i even think she winked at me:D


well... he died today... :( i couldnt get him into the hospital tank quick enough......
so sad...


Well, atleast you tried to take care of him. Most don't know a thing about tangs except they are pretty fish and, "I saw one on Finding Nemo!", so they can't take care of them.
Personally, if I was going to get a tang, I would buy a good medication for ich, treat the tank, and test the water before I got the tang, I would also do some major reading