New Tang (no tang police allowed)


New Member
hey guys, i have a 3 inch yellow tang in my 20 gallon long, i just got him, i know the tang police will be reading this but i would like you to please refrain from comments, i have decided to do this my tank my fish, i wanted a yellow i think the fish has enough room to swim and "thrive"... i have had saltwater fish for sometime, wanted to give this a try, if theres anyone that has done this before if they can tell me and share their experiences, i have two clowns and the tang nothing else, and today is the first day the tang has been put in, if theres anyone that has done this before i would like to hear what you have experienced. thank you in advance for those that have read, and i hope that the tang police will please just stay away thank you... i have read all your posts...


You know that by saying none allowed they are more likely to come. Btw, to put it bluntly I dont think that tang will last, though its not impossible I suppose.


Ban! Seriously...this is getting rediculous. You just look like an idiot if you post threads like this. Its bad for the fish, you should get a dog and only let it eat, sleep, poop, pee, & run in a 2x3 box and see how that goes.


Active Member
You thinking that the Tang will have enough room to swim doesn't make it so. Anyways I'm sure you'll get a nice little debate going on here so that goal will be achieved. Too bad that won't help your Tang.

On a second thought... this being your first post, I'm calling you a troll.


I second that......... TROLL!!!!!!!!!
Don't give this guy the pleasure of watching a debate. He obviously knows the feelings of this board and is trying to start a fire.
Well here you go


New Member
30 inchs and what a troll... id appreciate the harsh comments to be toned down this is for people that have tryed this not for idiots to flame others


New Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
I second that......... TROLL!!!!!!!!!
Don't give this guy the pleasure of watching a debate. He obviously knows the feelings of this board and his trying to start a fire.
Well here you go

btw your dog is ugly


New Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Ban! Seriously...this is getting rediculous. You just look like an idiot if you post threads like this. Its bad for the fish, you should get a dog and only let it eat, sleep, poop, pee, & run in a 2x3 box and see how that goes.
your icon is just as ugly as your are :)


Active Member
First, you have to realize that saying "no tang police allowed" immediately in the title is going to piss some people off. That sets the tone right away and can't be undone by anything you say in your post. Then, saying you put a tang in a 20L, as one of the first threads you post in this forum, and also identifying the "tang police", it definitely makes you look like a troll (someone who posts inflammatory remarks just to annoy people).
But even if you're not, I'm sure you'll learn what makes this wrong. It's just sad that it would be at the expense of a helpless fish.


A 3inch tang in a 30inch tank will quickly out grow it. If i were you i would take it back to the LFS. Yellow tangs can grow like 9inchs way to big for a 75Gal let alone a 20gal puddle.Try to look for something else when you do find something you like RESEARCH it to make sure it is going to "thrive" in your tank.


Active Member
Look dude, assuming you are not a troll (and it sounds like you are so I'm just wasting my time), what you are asking is for people to tell you what you want to hear, and to refrain from speaking up if they don't agree with you.
You've come to the wrong place, my friend. Sorry. This is a board full of hobbyists who are here to learn from each other, teach one another, and act in a responsible manner, not a board of members who prop each other's poor decisions up with yessing. But maybe I can help because I do have experiences like yours to share.
Back when I first started in sw, I once tried to keep tangs in a tank a bit larger than yours. I killed lots of fish. It's a time in my early years I'm not proud of. But I'm sure you don't want to hear that either.
Oh, and BTW... flaming is never, ever welcome here.


Active Member
u need to grow up. what is the purpose of posting this thread? this is a forum to help each other. but i get the feeling u posted this thread to get people upset. r u a crazy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
u need to grow up. what is the purpose of posting this thread? this is a forum to help each other. but i get the feeling u posted this thread to get people upset. r u a crazy?


Active Member
hehe SCSInet... I saw your previous post :D
I'm pretty sure that if we got to see his IP address, it's either the kid that was scamming people or one of the previous trolls that have been found.


Active Member
I agree with the troll comment, but just to be sure.....
If this is a real question, then I will go ahead and try to answer this without sounding like a broken record.
A tang is an open water fish that swims quite a bit on an every day basis. A tang also establishes a territory in the wild that can be quite large. A tank that is only 30 inches long will not house this animal long term, as they swim during sleep and will run into the ends of the tank quite often. I believe this will stress the fish out quite a bit and will ultimately cause the fish to develope problems over time. There are a few things that stress will increase the chances of, including a fish being succeptable to ich, and also HLLE. I would suggest trading this fish into your LFS for another creature that would be more suitable for the tank, but overall it is your decision and your money. If you do not trust the members on this board, and would go by the word given to you by the people that sold you the tang for a 30 gallon tank to begin with, I would say you are going to end up spending a lot of money, and spending a lot of sleepless nights wondering why your tank is so unsuccessful.