new tang


Active Member
today i bought a sailfin tang w/ my lionfish credit, he is the most interesting fish. he is supposed to be herbivourious (sp?), but he is eating my SFEs silversides :notsure: hes nice looking and is helpng w/ my unattractive algae issue. i am currently watching him guard his silverside from my SFEs ***)


Active Member
Zebrasoma tangs (yellow, purple, sailfin, scopas) can definitely be very aggressive/territorial. They are also omnivourous. They will definitely accept meaty foods.


Active Member
ok cool, he has claimed the largest bit of lr as his own, oh and he is about 4-5in, my SFE is fine he just had to pack up.


Active Member
my salifin is great,, he eats algae off my glass and rocks and love shrimp, squidd, crabmeat etc..


Active Member
sailfins are def a very aggresive tang yes he is an herbivore but also needs some meaty foods as well for protien although listed as a plant eater they do require 75% vegitation in their diet and 25% meaty. omnivores however require 50% veggie and 50% meat.for best health results feed as its required in mutipul daily feedings2-3 times