NEW TANK ALGAE help me pleasseeee


125g 200lbs LR 60lbs SAND
Tested 0 phosphates
0 nitrite and like 0 nitrate
My sand has like a fuzzy algae all over it (green)
Rocks have the fuzzy green algae and some long hair green algae and long hair DARK RED algae)
powerheads have the fuzzy algae
the walls have algae thats green and its like a film cause its peeling off in places...
its overed my rocks almost i got pics.....
i only have like 10 hermits and like 7 tiny black snails i know i need more.. but it still doesnt seem like they eat it... just walk over it... i got the blue leg hermits
2 clownfish
Fish im waiting to get:
Blue hippo Tang
Yellow Tang (i kno he will probably eat every piece of algae from what every1 is saying.. but he is the most aggressive so he will be my last fish)
I want 1 more fish to add to the tang.. what should it be? and i dont want to start adding ANY coral until my rocks are all cleaned off..... please help im dying here heh.
At this point i dont run my 4 250watt MH i only run my actinics now. how can i get rid of all this JUNK


Are you using RO water?
add some Mexican Turbo snails, they love algae and yes a Yellow Tang will browse all day long. GOOD LUCK!


i have a typhoon III rodi..... yes i am... i know a yellow but i was told to put him in last...... and so im thinking of buying the blue hippo and yellow at same time... but im looking for 1 MORE fish to go with them and the perc's... what should i get... totally reef safe... and mexican snails go on rocks/sand and glass??? do they eat all types of algae cause otherwise i need different kinds than just mexican
hermits a waste of money? just need snails?
lots of questions in this post


Active Member
Originally Posted by MikeGray
Yellow Tang (i kno he will probably eat every piece of algae from what every1 is saying
don't count on it. there are few fish that will eat hair algae. I have had a major hair algae problem from the get go (a year and a half ago). I have tried every fish and invert that is believed to help control hair algae. I have tried every remedy, and it's only gotten worse. my problem has been so bad that I have upgraded tanks, essentially starting over. and it's not due to water quality, all my parameters are perfect. I just made the mistake initially of getting a large piece of LR with some hair algae on it, and it spread like the plague.
if you're just starting out, remove all the rock and scrub the hell out of it and make sure all the algae is gone before you put it back in the tank. that's my best advice. I know others have had luck with hair algae, but I tried EVERYTHING, and it's as bad now as it's ever been.


ok so ill get a lawnmower blenny so ill have 2 percs a lawnmower and blue hippo and yellow. ill get mexican turbos and a lawnmower tomarrow. and the next week ill get both tangs same time so yellow doesnt be a MEANIE


Active Member
Mike, different people have different levels of success. but to let you know, I've tried all these things:
yellow tang
lawnmower blenny
2 different kinds of centropyge angels
mexican turbo snails (and most other types of snails for that matter)
all different types of hermits
urchins (was told my algae would be gone in a day when I added an urchin....bull)
all these were said to eat hair algae. none of them touched mine. it's now my understanding that animals will only eat hair of a certain length.
I've also tried:
turning the lights off for days at a time
stopped feeding for days at a time
adding phosphate remover (even though I never had detectable levels of phosphate)
adding UV sterilizers
pulling it out by hand
adding more powerheads
nothing's worked.
again, you'll get some remedies that may or may not work. but if hair algae ever gets firmly entrenched in your system, you'll never be rid of it. my advice, since you haven't stocked the tank yet, is to pull the rock and scrub it.


and my fuge is like completey green since not a lot of flow... its like GREEN plastic ahahahah but i guess that doesnt matter since no1 sees it anyway and i have the chaeto in there..... but no hermits or snails cause i dont wnat the snails to climb out through the baffles and into my pump.. ill be pissed.
do u think i can buy the 2 tangs same day a weeka fter the lawnmower.. or ill have problems..... since ur suppose to have 1 fish at a time..


i like my rockwork... i cant pull it out :( nooo waaay heheheeh well see..... clowns are doing awesome..... but im not getting any coral until my tank looks perrdddy :)


any that has lots experience with this fuzzy algae and hair algae everywhere give me advise.. and the film algae i guess its best described as on the glass


my rodi unit was new before i started my tank like 65-70 days ago.. i used it to fill the 125 and i use it to do topoffs and water changes all the time.... can it already need filter changes... the lil PPM digital reader thing that came with the typhoon III is now reading 29... is that why i have all this algae.. and when i dip this digital into my aquarium it reads hella high.. is that cause the salt??? but only water that has been in this tank is RODI filtered
if i put the digital thing in my aquarium it reads 28ppm TDS filter change already?? all the filters or what the black filter hasnt turend blonde yet.. just like the bottom a little bit... the white filter pads are brown..


Active Member
A TDS meter is not to be used in your will always give you a high TDS.TDS is total dissolved's just that,it does'nt say exactly what it is.A TDS meter is for your RODI only.
In order to determine if you need to change filters,or which should test the water coming directly out of the RO..before it goes into the DI...and then again after the DI.An RO should have no more than 25 PPM TDS after...then the DI should take it down to 0.You should also rinse the cup you are testing into very well with the RO/DI water before you get a good reading.Filters a few months old should not have to be replaced,unless the DI was exposed for awhile before you got it.Another words,they can take in from their environment as they sit on a shelf...unless they are protected.Always good to make sure you are getting fresh resin.
The neon colored algae in your pics looks like a green strain of cyano we had to deal with recently at the shop.We tried everything and could not erradicate it.We finally used red slime remover and it worked.Although against my better judgement.Slime remover is basicly erithromycin,which kills bacteria,good and bad.
The last thing you need to be doing right now is adding any more livestock,until you get a handle on the problem or figure out it's source.I would recommend water changes,manual removal,carbon,and a poly filter to start/and or phosphate remover.You may be getting false readings on the phosphate test,as there is so much algae feeding off of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MikeGray
and my fuge is like completey green since not a lot of flow... its like GREEN plastic ahahahah but i guess that doesnt matter since no1 sees it anyway and i have the chaeto in there..... but no hermits or snails cause i dont wnat the snails to climb out through the baffles and into my pump.. ill be pissed.
do u think i can buy the 2 tangs same day a weeka fter the lawnmower.. or ill have problems..... since ur suppose to have 1 fish at a time..
I wouldsn't add three fish so soon. My rule of thumb is to add one every other week to every three weeks.
I just don't like problems and this is asking for one in my opinion.
Denise M.


New Member
I had hair algae cover my 75g reef tank. I already had a handful of snails, crabs, and a yellow tang. My nitrites and phosphates were low but nitrates were moderate. I added 15 more turbo snails and blue leg crabs, a lawn mower blenny and kent phosphate remover and nothing happened for a week. I then scrubbed the walls of the aquaruim and added a refugium with sand, haitian rock, and a few strands of caulepra. I quit feeding my fish daily and 10 days later my tank looked spectactular. I have used my magnet cleaner for twenty seconds in the last five days. Good luck.


Active Member
I'm just at the tail end of the dreaded green hair algea battle. I redirected one of my powerheads, cut the lighting (bright) to 6 hours/day, cut back on the feeding (1/2 as much each day), put in a handful of chaeto algea, AND I've been religiously doing 10% water changes/week. I use RO water, and I have used it for most of the life of my tank. Not quite there yet, but getting there (with the algea).
Is your tank in direct sunlight, that could be a problem too.
Best of luck to you with this. Don't plan on getting rid of it overnight (nothing in this hobby happens overnight, it seems :thinking: )
Oh yeah, and I added 3 Mexican turbos...great little guys!!
Lisa :happyfish