I recently bought a 29 gallon bio cube and decided to try my hand at salt water. I have had FW tanks around since I was a little kid but my parents never wandered past brackish water and so I have been hesitant to jump into SW because I have never been around it. I live about an hour from the closest pet store so I cant just run down the road and ask them a question. I have had my tank all set up and running for about two weeks (minus the heater, some kind of mixup at the warehouse has me still waiting so my tank stays around 72 degrees with the lights on). I have been ghost feeding the tank however I am not sure when would be the best time to add living creatures to the tank. I have a snail that was hitchhiking on my live rock and is still kicking strong but he also lived out of the water for about 36 hours so I'm not going to use him as a gauge lol. I am expecting to get the heater any day now and would like to add a crab or small fish friday. Is this ample enough time for the tank to cycle? Ive heard of using guppies or mollies to test it but didnt know they could go straight saltwater. Just so happens I have a bunch of guppies swimming around in one of my FW tanks would it be wise to use one of them as the tester prior to adding a more expensive SW critter? I am also going to get more live rock friday to add to the tank would this effect when I should add critters? Thanks for the help!