New Tank Buddy "Clown Trigger"



Hope the little fella lives. Juvi clown triggers have a high mortality rate. I had a Juvi and he unfortunately parished, no idea why, maybe he was caught with Cyanide. Anyway... best of luck!


I hope so also he eats 3 meals along with the other fish one brine shrimp meal morning, one at 5 and seaweed select meal at 9


Did he eat right away? I heard these guys are fun to have!
Btw, if you tilt your camera down a bit before taking the picture you can get rid of the flash showing up :)

trigga fish

New Member
Congratulations on your fine selection.
I've had two juvs with no problems...
The clown trigga is my favorite fish by far. I'm on my second one in 3.5 years. The first one I had was awsome. I had him since he was a little guy. Got to watch him change from the juv to adult tail colors. The worst day was when I had to sell him to move...moving the fish was not an option.
I just got the tank set up back in March and finally bought a new Clown Trigga about two weeks ago. This one is quite different from the first one. He has the normal coloration, but his white spots on the lower half of the fish has black irregular rings inside the spots! I've never seen one like that before!
Keep us updated on his progress.