I just need to throw some brakes on....
PLEASE do not buy ANYTHING else until you read and research more. This is simply to SAVE money and animals and frustration.
It is very common in this hobby for people to get excited, set up a tank...and then sell it within a few months. That is one of the really unfortunate thing about this hobby. It costs A LOT of money, and it costs animals their lives...and all too commonly people last at most 6 months.
Before you decide on filtration, you need to decide what you want. A reef tank? An aggressive tank?
You may very well need, or more likely want, a sump in the future. But a sump is not a filter at all, it is simple a container of water. It may include a "wet/dry" filter...it may include a natural refugium type filter...or it may just be a tank of water where you hide your skimmer, heater, etc and serves no filtration purpose at all. Lots of terms to learn
I do not personally recommend hang on filters for that size tank and certainly not if you want more aggressive or larger fish. But cannister filters may not be a better option either. You may need very expensive lighting, or you may be fine with the standard lighting depending on if you want corals. But all of these are critical - and expensive - decisions.
So look at some books, as about fish you might like, and build your tank based on that. But don't spend another dime on equipment until you have done that. We are not trying to get money from you, as an LFS is doing.